Page 14 of Crash & Burn

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“The job offer,” he says, pretending that he didn’t just catch me staring at his ass.

“Oh, um, yes,” I stutter. Taking the pen from his hand, I lean down to sign the job offer, choosing not to think about it any further. What do I have to lose? Before I can pick up the paper to hand it to him, I’m surprised by the sound of a knock at the door.

I recognize the woman standing in the doorway, she’s the one who brought me into Callan’s office earlier, but she’s not wearing her work attire anymore. Now she’s in a pink, floral dress and heeled sandals, her beautiful curls bouncing around her perfectly round face. She must have gone home to change. I look at my phone and realize it’s just past seven thirty. I’ve been here for over an hour and a half. I’m surprised Dakota hasn’t called me yet; she must be staying as Asher’s again.

“Cora?” Callan looks at her and cocks his head. I look back and forth between the two of them.

“I forgot something.” She waves her phone in the air. “Oh, she’s still here?” she asks, eyeing me up and down. She looks nice, but she doesn’t sound it. In fact, she kind of sounds demanding, like a jealous girlfriend.I’m so stupid.Of course, he has a girlfriend.

Suddenly I feel totally embarrassed by the thoughts I’ve been having; about how dreamy Callan is and how nice it would be to have a hot boss. I’m totally out of my league here.

“Cora, this is Sterling. My new assistant.” He throws one hand in his pocket as he motions the other toward me. Cora looks at me more intensely and I feel like her gaze could burn a hole through me.

“Hey,” I offer meekly, trying to assure her I’m not a threat. She doesn’t give anything back.

There’s silence for a moment and my brain can’t take it.

“Are you two dating?” I blurt out immediately, hating my mouth for having a mind of its own.

“I don’t do relationships,” Callan says darkly, and Cora crosses her arms with a huff as she sends Callan a pouty look. All at once, I feel the awkwardness thicken in the room while Cora stares at Callan, Callan stares at me, and I stare at the ground.

“Callan, can I please talk to you,alone?” Cora slices the silence as she sneers at me before turning her attention to Callan.

“Miss Cooper,” he says as he studies the contract I just signed, “I’m going to finish up some things here in the office, I'll see you Monday morning.” Callan walks over to his desk to grab the contract and filters it into a file, then hands me a business card. “Here’s my contact information if you have any questions. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy your weekend.” He gives me a smile. A small one, but a smile that melts the discomfort that fills the room.

“Thank you,” I respond quietly to Callan as I turn to leave the room, avoiding eye contact with Cora on the way out.

“Oh, and Miss Cooper?” Callan stops me before I’m completely gone. “Don’t be late.” He winks at me before Cora rushes to close the door behind me, leaving the two of them alone in his office, and me alone with my thoughts. My crazy and sinful thoughts.



“So,who’sthisnewemployee you hired?” My dad sits at the island in the middle of our family’s kitchen.

It’s Saturday morning, the sun peeks into the kitchen through a window as I walk over to the fridge and take out the butter per my mom’s request; she’s whipping up her famous peanut butter pancakes. I have to admit it’s been nice enjoying some homemade meals while I’ve been staying with my parents. My penthouse is undergoing a remodel and as much as I love waking up to the sound of power tools, staying here hasn’t been as bad as I’d imagined.

“I finally got around to hiring an assistant,” I say as I start to set the table where Ginny sits with her phone in her face.

“I thought that Cora was going to be your assistant?” my father asks, skimming through a newspaper and I know where he’s going with this. He’s still trying to have some kind of role in the dealership.

I think back to the conversation Cora asked to have with me after I had Sterling sign the new hire paperwork. She demanded that I reconsider hiring a new girl for the job because she worked hard for that promotion. And she did. But the fact of the matter is, it is my decision and I decided to give the job to Sterling.

Why? Not a fucking clue.

“She was.” I sit across from dad at the island. “But I found someone who was better qualified.” I lie, because I know Sterling has zero qualifications so, really, I’m not sure why I offered her the job. Something was pulling me to her, and I didn’t want to let her walk away. Besides, how hard could an assistant position be? I’m sure she’ll learn the job just fine.

“Hopefully, she’s a good fit.” My father takes down his paper and stares directly at me.

“Virginia, why don’t you head upstairs and pack your things for cheer camp. We need to be leaving shortly after breakfast.” My mother intervenes and Ginny rolls her eyes.

My phone starts to buzz on the counter next to me.

“Sounds like my remodel is almost done.” I share with my family after opening the text.

“Already?” My mom sounds disappointed as she walks through the kitchen, placing a plate full of pancakes in the center of the table. “I like having you around.”

“Yeah, seems like it.” I put my phone back in my pocket.
