Page 2 of Venom and Bind

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I nibbled on my bottom lip as I counted the bottles. Five bottles of red, five bottles of white, and a bottle of whiskey for the love of my life. Every Sunday, we took turns hosting a dinner with all the most important people in our life—a reminder that life was too short sometimes, and that family was what mattered most. Cian’s foster siblings, Eros, Thora and Orin, would be here, along with my best friend Juliet, and, of course, Valik. He was still my bodyguard, but had turned into one of my best friends over the past few months. I loved that big moose and was grateful every day that he was around so that I could tease him mercilessly about his pastry obsession.

I hummed as I made my way down the hall to Cian’s office. The door was cracked slightly, and I pushed it open. Cian was on his phone pacing in front of his desk, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, exposing the tattoos on his arms. The most recent was a black rose with my name under it, and I had the matching one with his name. We had gone for a ride on his motorcycle and had ended up in a small town about fifty miles north of the city. There had been a small tattoo shop, and he had dragged me in there, excitement in his eyes as he told the artist what we wanted. It had been the best day.

The door creaked, and he glanced up, winking at me. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, a warmth spreading through me. God, would that ever get old? One look from him and I was ready to rip off my clothes and be at his mercy. He was the missing half to my soul. I had been empty inside before I had met him, and I hadn’t even realized it. Every day when I woke up in his arms—completely naked, of course—I was so damn grateful to be living this life with him.

He held up one finger and mouthed “one second”, giving me his sexiest smile. I grinned and walked over to peer at his map on the wall. It was a “Where’s Waldo?” map of sorts, with Waldo being Ryzen. The map was covered with different-colored circles and notes, with pins in different countries from Canada to Italy. It was a trail of sightings of Ryzen and his brother Riddick from various sources. Surveillance photos plastered the board, and my pulse skipped at the most recent photo on top. It was of Ryzen wearing an oversized hat and sunglasses, a sloppy attempt at a disguise, but you could tell it was him. My fingers trembled as I scanned the date and time. Mexico City, just two weeks ago.

I let out a deep breath and relaxed when Cian wrapped his arms around me from behind. “I wish you wouldn’t look at this,” he murmured against my ear.

A shiver raced through me, and I leaned into him, letting his warmth envelop me. He was right, of course. Cian was adamant about finding Ryzen, and he wanted me to have no part in it. It was safer that way, he had said. Even though I’d told him to let the FBI handle it, we both knew that Agents Delove and Dobbs, the ones assigned to my case, were completely useless.

When they had approached me all those months ago and told me I had to either help them get evidence on Ryzen and the Voledetti Mafia, or rot in prison for arson and attempted insurance fraud, I had chosen to help them. And what had ended up happening? They had managed to sabotage every lead, every piece of evidence I had given them, from photos of Ryzen with the Mafia, to video clips of Voledetti and illegal weapons, and even an audio recording of Ryzen confessing to a slew of crimes that had gone mysteriously missing. They had botched that entire case, and in the end, I had ended up kidnapped and almost murdered by a deranged psychopath.

“I know.” I tilted my neck to the side, giving Cian better access as he trailed kisses down my neck, his teeth dragging against my skin. This was all that mattered. Cian. Our family of misfits. Nothing else. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt us ever again. I never wanted to feel like my life wasn’t my own, that I’d lost control over the people and things I loved the most. Never again.

I whimpered as his hand dipped lower, just underneath the band of my jeans. “Cian, we have to get ready for dinner,” I moaned, making no move to stop him. Our cat Dracula sauntered in, meowing loudly, as if to remind us he, in fact, wanted dinner as well.

“You’re right.” Cian withdrew his hand, and I regretted opening my mouth. He flipped me around to face him, weaving his fingers into my hair and tugging my head back. “But afterwards, you’re all mine, little star.” He brushed his lips against mine before releasing me and nudging me towards the door. “Go, before I rip your clothes off with my teeth and make you beg to come.”

I shrieked with laughter as he slapped my ass before I hurried down the hall to take a shower.

We couldn’t get enough of each other. My need for him and his need for me was never-ending. It was a constant tug of war between taking care of adult responsibilities and devouring each other. He was my everything, and I wouldn’t let anything ruin what we had built.

An hour later, I was showered, changed, and ready to eat. When I stepped out of our bedroom suite, it surprised me to see all the lights in the apartment turned off. A row of candles illuminated the hallway, scattered red and black rose petals covering the marble floor. I followed them to a note on the kitchen counter.

Meet me up top, little star.

I grabbed the single black rose on the counter and inhaled as I followed the path of petals up the stairs to our rooftop deck. What was he planning? A quickie on the rooftop, hopefully. I chuckled to myself and wiped my palms against my jeans. He was always doing little things like this to show me how much he loved me—surprise romantic dinners, mini-getaways to his lodging chain in Montana, which I absolutely loved, or bringing me lunch when he knew I was having a crazy day at the Shiver Box, my sexual wellness company.

I turned the knob and pushed the rooftop door open. Nothing could have prepared me for the sight in front of me, and my hand flew to my chest as I gasped. The rooftop was covered with soft, twinkling fairy lights draped across the space, making it feel like I had just set foot onto the set of a romantic movie. A red carpet was rolled out, covered with red, white, and black rose petals that led to an arch adorned with purple lilies and rainbow-colored tulips. On the helicopter pad, there was a large dining table covered with sparkling glassware and flickering candles. Soft music played from the surround sound speakers, making the atmosphere dreamlike.

Cian stood under the arch, running his fingers through his golden-chestnut hair. He stopped when he saw me and exhaled. A wicked grin spread across his face, and he held up his hand, beckoning me to come to him. My mind instantly flashed back to that Halloween night two years ago when we had first met. Who would have thought a run-in with a mysterious stranger all those years ago would lead to me meeting my soulmate?

My entire body was trembling as I walked down the aisle, my eyes wide as I hurried to meet him. My heart was beating so loud I was sure he could hear it.

“What are you up to, Mr. Blackwood?” I laughed as he gripped my hands in his. “You did all this?” I was breathless at the heat in his eyes, my entire body on edge.

“My beautiful star.” His voice shook, and I swallowed the lump in my throat, gripping his hands tighter. “From the moment I first laid my eyes on you, I knew I was done for. You were an angel sent to me from heaven to save me from the hell I had been living in.”

“Oh, Cian,” I whispered as overwhelming love for this man bloomed in my heart.

“I don’t know where I would be without you. You are the light in the darkness. My rock. My home. I spent the last decade of my life lost, and you saved me, Nova. And for that, I owe you everything. My heart. My soul. I am yours forever, little star.” The fairy lights twinkled in the reflection of his hazel eyes, and if he hadn’t been holding me so tight, I would have melted at his feet. “I love you beyond words, Nova. You are the most precious, important thing in my world, and I would die a thousand deaths just to see your beautiful smile one last time.” He dropped on one knee and pulled out a small black velvet box. “I can’t live another day without making you my wife. Will you do me the greatest honor and marry me?”

“Oh, my God, Cian.” My hands flew to cover my mouth as he held up the most beautiful ring I had ever laid eyes on. It had a twisted silver band adorned with diamonds, little golden roses around the top, with a sparkling red diamond right in the center. It was simple, yet breathtaking, and absolutely perfect for me.

“Yes,” I laughed, tears spilling down my cheeks. “Of course I will marry you!” I kneeled on both knees to be at his level, my body shaking with a bliss that I hadn’t known was possible. There was nothing more I wanted in this world than to be bound to him forever. We were made for each other. Two flames destined to unite and burn as one. He wrapped his arms around me, a sweet ache blooming in my core. “I love you so much,” I murmured against his lips and pressed my forehead against his. “You are my everything, and I would be so lost without you.”

His lips crashed into mine, our hands uncontrollable as they roamed over each other, tugging on clothes. Being so close to him awakened a hunger in my soul only he could satisfy. I kissed him back with the same feverish desire, gripping him to me like my life depended on it.

“Um, guys?” Thora’s voice brought me back to reality, and Cian and I both turned in her direction. She stood at the doorway with a huge grin on her face. Eros, Orin and Juliet stood right behind her, their arms filled with bags. “Does this mean she said yes?” Thora chuckled.

I bit my bottom lip and nodded. “I said yes!” Excitement rushed through my body and Cian took that moment to slide the engagement ring onto my finger. I held my hand up, my face hurting from how hard I was smiling.

They all shouted and rushed towards us, gripping us in a bear hug. It was a moment I would remember forever. I was going to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams, and I had gained a new family in the process. Crazy how some things turned out. One moment you were at rock bottom, and the next you were on top of the world.

“Wait, you guys knew he was going to propose, and you didn’t tell me?” I poked Juliet in her arm and smirked. That must have been pretty hard for her, considering she had never been one to keep a secret.

“I know, I’m sorry.” She grinned and squeezed my hand. “He said he would kill us if we ruined it for him.”

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