Page 9 of The Hidden Hunter

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"Actually, she had no ass at all, and it definitely was not as nice as yours," Kevin said and then coughed and tried to pull away as if he was shocked by his own words.

"No one has an ass like mine. I have honed and sculpted this masterpiece for years, just waiting for the right man to properly appreciate it." Archer was touched by Kevin's sweet appraisal of his ass and wasn't going to allow him to be embarrassed. "Any time you want to get up close and personal with this ass, you just let me know."

Kevin covered his face with his hands and moaned. Archer pulled the hands away and wrapped him in his arms, pressing him flat against his chest. It felt so good having his beloved close pressed tight to him. Kevin reciprocated and held onto Archer, reveling in the connection they were building. After a few minutes, Kevin spoke but did not pull away or let go. He rested his head on Archer while maintaining a tight hold on the man. "Who was at the door?" He asked.

"My boss, Silas Patronne, making sure you were settled and protection was in place. He told me the third man did escape, and he would probably notify whoever hired him that the hit was a failure. They may then back off, order the man to try again, or hire another assassin." Archer would never lie to his beloved if he asked a question; he would answer it truthfully.

"That's rather terrifying," Kevin stated, and Archer felt the man's fingers tightening as they gripped his shirt even tighter.

"Don't worry, baby. The Coven has their best tracing this guy, and they will find out who hired them. Easton Sans runs the IT department, and the man is unbelievable when it comes to getting information. We'll know soon enough who they are, and then we will deal with them." Archer assured him, and he felt Kevin relax just a little. Archer leaned back on the sofa, and Kevin leaned into him, seeming to enjoy the warmth and contact as much as Archer was enjoying it.

"I'm so glad that Louis DuCane, Silas Patronne, and you felt compelled to watch out for me. I thought that Billy and his crew were my biggest problems, never realizing that somehow I managed to bother someone to the degree they felt it necessary to hire a hit man." Kevin was sounding incredulous, and it really didn't make sense at this point.

“The shooters were from Chicago.” Archer offered.

"Chances are the people who hired them were from my hometown of Indianapolis," Kevin suggested.

"Most likely, but Easton will get you the answers you need."

"You're all being so kind to me, a stranger, and it is really blowing me away. I've never had anyone show such care and consideration, and I've only known you a few hours, and I've never even met the other people you speak of." Kevin leaned forward again and ran his hand roughly through his hair.

"I've known you for over a week, and I like everything that I've seen. I planned to get to know you after my mission was finished because you were someone I respected and was drawn to. I wanted to know you, Kevin." Archer started with some truths, preparing Kevin for what was to come.

He didn't want to wait too long. He wanted to get this relationship moving. Archer could wait for weeks when tailing a mark. His patience was legendary. Yet when it came to this man, he wanted it all, and he wanted it now. Waiting would not be tolerated for long.

"I want to get to know you too, Archer." Kevin smiled so expectantly, and Archer was totally bewitched. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a cell phone, and handed it to Kevin.

"I know you've gone off-grid, but considering your present circumstances, I'd like for you to carry a phone at least until this matter is resolved." Kevin took it and held it for a few seconds before speaking.

"Thank you." He said, then looked up at Archer. "I haven't held a phone in months. I did miss it, but at the time, I needed to disconnect for my own peace of mind."

"It was a good decision." Archer agreed with his reasoning. "Disconnecting always breeds clarity." He couldn't stop touching him Kevin's body called to him, and resisting was impossible.

Kevin put the phone in his pocket and again turned his attention to Archer. His eyes, so soft and sweet, traveled Archer's face over and over again. "I don't know what it is that's happening here between you and me, but it makes me feel good. You make me believe I'm normal again and that life can be normal again. I don't understand. I don't know what it is, but it's as if I've been waiting for you my entire life. Don't be scared. It's probably just a trauma bond and will pass." He had to couch it in a joke in order to lighten what he sensed was a weighty statement.

"It's no trauma bond; it's real, and I feel it too. We were destined, you and I. We were chosen by Fate to be together, so why fight it." Archer leaned down and took Kevin's lips in another blistering kiss, going deep and marking his territory. He was going to have this man, and he was going to have him now.

Kevin had shared more than he'd planned to share, but talking to Archer was so easy. His quiet support and validation made opening up expected and somewhat enjoyable. He tried to save himself with the dodge to the trauma bond, but Archer wasn't hearing it. He seemed to be able to look right through him and leave him quivering with the need for more.

The kiss went on and on, and Kevin joined fully, giving Archer the response he was seeking. He held him in a firm grasp and ate away at those delicious lips. Archer's mouth was pure decadence. The taste, the feel, and the response all came together to make the experience astonishing. Kevin had been kissed before, but not like this, not this bone-deep sensation of want and need and the search for satisfaction.

When Archer pulled back and went to stand, Kevin gripped his arm; he was not ready for the embrace to end. Archer wasn't ending anything; in that moment, he pulled Kevin to his feet and, with an arm around his waist, rushed him upstairs to a large bedroom that was soft and soothing in its color and decor.

Nothing was said at this point. All communication was through touch and expression, and the heated expressions coming from Archer made his desires crystal clear. There was no mistaking the direction of his thoughts, and Kevin was there for it. His thoughts and desires were going in the same direction.

Archer walked over and closed the blinds on the two windows in the room. “They’re keeping a close eye on us, but we don’t need them in here.” He made the statement and started disrobing. He was down to just his pants by the time he stood before Kevin.

His chest was bare and beautiful, and Kevin could not take his eyes off him. Such fineness in a male body is called to be admired. His body was chiseled, hard muscles proportioned perfectly as if sculpted. Archer was a masterpiece, and he hadn't seen the best parts yet.

"Let me see you, Kevin." He said, and it was then that Kevin remembered he needed to take his clothes off. He was so caught up in the beauty of this man that nothing else mattered.

“I just can’t stop admiring all the naked flesh in the room.”

"There needs to be more naked flesh, so get to stripping baby."

Kevin pulled off his t-shirt and kicked off his boots while unsnapping his jeans and pulling down the zipper. "Don't stop now. Show me what you got." Archer egged him on and ran his fingertips down the center of Kevin's chest to his navel. Kevin could not stop himself from shivering and moaning at the sensation that shot through him at Archer's sensuous touch.

“That felt so good.”
