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The room went silent, my ears ringing until he admitted, “The power you don’t deserve.”

That surprised me. In Spanish I asked him, “Are you a deity?”

He rolled his eyes. “I don’t want that side of her.”

“Then … what…?” Again, I gazed at my hand, thinking about Dio saying “You even have a little of me in you.”

Licking his now pink teeth, Onus observed me as I rubbed the scar on my palm. “Puzzle, puzzle, puzzle pieces.”

Baffled, I asked, “But … how can that be?”

Onus grinned. “Dio and I weren’t the only ones making deals with the devil.” Bahahahaha…

Lost in thought, I uttered, “Lu.”

Onus lifted a brow. “Met the big guy, huh?”

“Is he how you had powers to make me forget Dio?”

Onus’s smirk said it all.

Making deals with the devil… You have a part of me…

Rubbing my scar, I sadly said, “All those years, all that abuse, for the darkness in my veins.” A wave of exhaustion hit me, my shoulder sagging as the fight in me was ending for the night. “Was it worth it? Are you happy?” I gestured to the shitty circumstances that would be his final days. “Worth whatever price you paid?”

After staring at me like I was his number one enemy for a few long seconds, the whistling commenced.

It was simple…

I shrugged. “Touch her and die.”

As if finally having my focus where he wanted it, Onus licked his lips. “How do you know her daddy hasn’t already shared her with me?”


Red was all I saw.

The prison became a full out brawl. Diesel had the sense to release the man so he could fight back as we beat him close to death. That’s why it was so shocking when I suddenly hit my knees, losing all air in my lungs.

Diesel, behind Onus and choking him, noticed me keeling over. “Pup!”

Onus was unconscious.

Instantly, so was I.


Upside down rain pelted the side I was a lying on while that fucking whistle troubled me again. I opened my eyes to see Lu with his hands behind his back, leisurely pacing. And whistling.

“Fuck you, Lu.”

“Ah!” he cheered. “Finally.” He took a knee, his huge wings blocking out the fake light of this place I was beginning to hate. “Something you need to know is, the longer you believe on earth, the more impact that belief can have.”

I rolled to my back. “Too tired for riddles, Lu”

“Riddles? Yes, please! Here’s one, ‘You’re the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold.’ ”

I fingered rain from my ear. “You’re so annoying, you’ve made the rain bother me.”
