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My fist connected with his jaw, sending him falling to his left. The horse connected to his lead rope reared up in fear. Without delay, I spun out of the way, somehow hauling Rya into my arms as I did it. I quickly put her down behind me as their brothers charged to defend Grant, now holding his face.

Meaning business, I warned, “If she gets hurt while you come for me, this whole family goes to ground. I’m pretty sure you now know I mean it.”

They all stopped, jaws hanging.

Without saying it out loud, I just admitted to the crime for which they’d been accusing me.

My pulse racing, sucking in air, I said, “I’ll buy my girl more horses, you fucking weak-minded dickholes, but if you leave without apologizing to her, so help me God, you will be my enemies. Your brave brother’s body ain’t even cold, yet you’re fucking focus is money?”

After looking at each other, Jake head gestured to a certain stall. A younger brother headed for it.

Rya screamed, running from behind me to Sable, Rya’s professional reigning and barrel horse. That shiny black horse was Rya’s pride and joy, best friend, and the animal that made my girl smile, no matter what.

So I snapped.

Barely able to contain my rage, my voice deeper than I even knew possible, I whipped the gun from my jeans and pointed to the kid’s head. “Step away from that fucking horse or fall where you stand. Choice is yours.”

Grant sneered at me, “That is a $95,000—”

“Take my inheritance!” shrieked tiny Rya before rushing to the stall and slamming the half-door shut. She then stood in the aisle with us, nervously pressing her back and palms to the wood as if to block anyone from taking her horse. Her chest heaving, she begged, “Please, just leave me her.”

As my gun’s movement suggested her fuck-face brother move from being near her, I assured, “Sable’s goin’ nowhere, baby.”

Nor was her inheritance—the only thing her father ever did right.

Tears sliding down Rya’s gentle cheeks, she frantically nodded at me but couldn’t stop observing her brothers.

So I sternly asked them, “Ain’t that right?”

Grant scolded me, “Family money bought her—”

“I am family!” cried a desperate Rya. “You’re all I have left of this family!”

“You’re not blood,” Grant spat at Rya, a sneer curling his lip. “Just a mistake Mom made by adopting you.”

Slice. Me. Open.

Like a fish out of water, Rya’s mouth hung open as she gasped air—the air her brother’s words had just stolen. With such a statement, she could no longer deny that they were abandoning her.

Flashes of red blurred my vision before my sight cleared. Eating the distance between us, I charged forward, the barrel of my gun to Grant’s temple. “Get. Out.”

All her brothers, with hands in the air, slowly backed away. Whatever they saw on my face, they no longer had any cruel things to say.

But I did. “You and your asshole brothers can go worship your little-girl-fucking dad as you drive the fuck out of here.” Following them out the sliding doors, I added, “Did ya know he had her on birth control?”

“Thunder!” bawled Rya.

Not taking my eyes from the pieces of shit, I told her, “I’m sorry, baby. But no one is going to talk to you like that and not hear your truth.” To them I roared, “Did you know he killed your mom after she found him fucking her?”

Horror replaced anger on each of their faces.

I yelled, “And now your brother who was working with agents is dead, too?”

Outside the barn, I saw Chubs and Roamer walking down the dirt driveway with a For Sale sign in Roamer’s hands. Rya’s fucking brothers were trying to sell the family home out from under her.

Rage crashed through me like a sea of death. I lifted the gun and fired into the air. “I said get the fuck out of here!”

As the brothers ran and jumped into trucks, Roamer tossed the sign in one of the beds. “Don’t forget this, assholes.”
