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“What the fuck is happening? Why was that man trying to kill you?” asked Piercer, panic coating his tone. Doing his best not to touch Rosa, he pushed me to my side to examine my back. “You were fucking shot! Where the fuck is the fucking hole? And who is this crazy woman-beast?”

On my side, Rosa was partially cradled in my left arm, my right hand tapping her cheek to get a response. “Babe, wake up.”

“Babe?” My brother shivered. “Did you not just experience that freak show? Sweet Mother Mary! That was the scariest shit…”

Rosa, clammy and unconscious, suddenly had me remembering something she had said. “I will no longer have the power…”


Fuck! Was her ‘power’ some sort of trade for my life?

“Jesus Christ.” Piercer cursed when seeing the two dead men now laying on the ground approximately forty feet from us. “We gotta roll, brother.” He got to his feet, attempting to drag me with him. “Ditch the freaky bitch.” He grunted when I didn’t help in the least. “Get up!”

“Not without her.”

She might have given up far more than I was worth. I couldn’t just leave her here.

“Dead weight kills the living.”

Reaching over me, he went to shove her away, but I elbowed him in the chest. “She just saved my life. Have some fucking respect.”

“Onus! She didn’t save your life! She tried to eat you, muchacho!”

“Then where is the hole in my back?” I roared in Spanish, “Help me or fucking leave me!”

Over my shoulder, he clamped a hand over my mouth. “They will come back, dumbass!”

From behind his hand, I glared at Piercer with nothing but a severe warning. I wasn’t in the mood for suggestions or to be fucked with. What I wanted was what I was going to get.

“Fine.” Rolling his eyes, he walked around my legs to get in front of me. “You and your demon-loving kinky dick are making some fucked-up decisions.” Squatting, he let out a shiver of heebie-jeebies then slid his arms under Rosa. “How the fuck you going to ride with this unconscious … whatever she is?” Standing with her scooped in his arms, he quietly begged her, “Don’t wake and hex me, little terror from hell.”

I rolled forward to get on my hands and knees, expecting to feel weak and shaky from all that had transpired, yet I was sturdy. Rock fucking steady, to be exact.

From the ground, I peered up at my brother and smirked.

He lifted a brow. “What?”

After grabbing my shirt, I sprang from the ground and landed on my feet like a cat.

Piercer stumbled back two steps, almost dropping unconscious Rosa before quickly maneuvering his arms to keep her from falling. “If I drop her, she may make me grow a tail!” He suddenly eyed me, suspiciously. “Turn around.”

That made me laugh as I picked up my shirt and shook it free of debris. “I don’t have a tail, fucker.” Due to the liberating feeling pulsing through every muscle in my body, I stretched my arms wide and over my head while inhaling deeper than ever before. “But damn, I feel incredible.”

Understandably, Piercer was very spooked. “Maybe it’s something in the watermelon wine. Maybe the ‘crawl’ is lingo for ‘dancing with the motherfucking devil!’ Maybe—”

“My brother, you need to calm down right now.”

As if I had reached inside his body and pushed a ‘calm’ button, Piercer’s shoulders softened, and he exhaled. “Okay.”

Wondering where my smartass brother went, I blinked. “Uh… Thank you?”

“Sure!” He just stood there, holding Rosa, waiting for another instruction. “So… is she hot in the sack?”

Blink. Blink.

I gazed at my palm. What the fuck did she do to me…?

The cut from her vampire-looking tooth was gone. I was completely healed from the nasty slice. I wanted to tell myself that was impossible but was clueless of the rules when a fallen angel bites you. Like, is that why she was now unconscious? Had whatever she’d done for me drained her? That thought formed an ache in my chest.
