Page 13 of The Office Guest

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“I’d rather pay you five thousand dollars to never show up here again.”

“Can you make it ten? One of my kids really wants a dirt bike…”




The Following Morning

“Mr. Reiss, I want you to know that I will always believe in you and your company’s mission.” Mindy is standing in my doorway wearing a “My Boss Rocks!” sweatshirt.

She kisses my ass so much that I’m worried she’ll eventually leave a mark on my cheeks. She also makes me regret demanding that my staff hire a “forever loyal employee.”

“I appreciate that, Mindy,” I say. “What can I do for you?”

“I’d like to know why Georgia Grey is being allowed to have a full week off for Christmas when she spends six hours a week on Pinterest.”

“I’m pretty sure she spendstenhours a week on that.”

“Exactly.” She nods. “She also falls asleep during meetings and still hasn’t done anything to become more than an intern, so why would you give heranytime off?”

“I wouldn’t, and I didn’t.” I take off my reading glasses. “Anything else?”

“Yes, there is a lot else, sir.A lotelse.”

“I’m listening.”

She steps inside and shuts the door. Then she paces in front of my desk, muttering to herself.

“Should I say it? Is it true? Am I breaking loyalty?”

“Mindy…” I lean back in my chair. “Do I need to get the psychiatrist up here again?”

“No. Well, maybe tomorrow.” She stops walking and pulls out her phone. “By no means am I calling you a liar, but you sent this to me earlier. I know you said not to mention it, but I can’t help but feel betrayed about this.

Confused, I zoom in on the email.

Subject:Can you Keep a Secret?

Dear Mindy,

As my loyal ride-or-die, I know I can trust you with anythingandeverything.

So, between you and me, I’ve decided to give Georgia Grey Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day off since she worked so hard on the holiday display.

Keep this a secret, and never discuss this with anyone else. Not even me.

Thank you for your undying loyalty.

—Dominic Reiss

P.S.You’re the best employee ever.

I’m notsure whether to be amused or angry.

“See?” she says. “I mean, I appreciate you telling me that I’m the best, but Georgia is literallythe worst, so this doesn’t make sense.”

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