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My heart sinks into my stomach. An easy way? What does he mean by that?

Before I’ve mustered the courage to ask, he leans forward, smiles wickedly, and says, “Put on your mask and put on some more puppet shows, Salami. Or, hell, get some more piercings, and you’ll have enough for a big, fat diamond in no time flat.”

Holy shit.

My jaw nearly clanks onto the patio table.

When I don’t speak because he’s rendered me speechless, Mr. DiMarco chuckles and says, “Who do you think is Lucille1990?” He winks and points to his own chest. “And how aboutCatfish2000?”


He touches his nose. “I gotta hand it to you, Auggie, you and Charlotte are damned entertaining. You made it fun to pay myself back. I didn’t foresee doing that, to be honest. It’s a first. But once Carlo found out what you two were up to, I couldn’t resist helping you out a bit. Call me a softie, I don’t know. In the beginning, I never thought Charlotte would be able toraise the money in time for the birthday party. That was part of the psychological torture, see. Making her come here, empty-handed, and look me in the eyes. But then, when Carlo found you two online and showed me, I said, ‘Nowthat’swhat I call doing whatever it takes. If some of those deadbeat dumbfucksreallywanted to repay me, they’d find a way, like these two. Look at ‘em go!’ So, I started paying you, here and there, to helpyoupayme. Yeah, I knew I was paying myself back, but I was having too damned good a time doing it to help myself. Especially as the shows went on, I must admit I became a genuine superfan. ‘Titty-fucking motherfucker!’” He bursts out laughing. “That was pure gold, Salami. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I laughed so hard, I cried. My wife came in and thought I was having a heart attack.” He motions vaguely to my lap. “How are you healing down there, by the way? Based on the way you’ve been hobbling around the party, I’m guessing you’re not feeling too good, huh?”

I can barely speak. But I manage to say, “Yeah, I’m pretty sore.”

“I can only imagine.” He belly laughs again and wipes his eyes. “Now, that’s a man in love who’ll doanythingto protect his woman. Good for you. You’ve got my full respect.”

I don’t know what to say. But thankfully, I don’t need to figure something out because, suddenly, the party inside begins collectively singing “The Birthday Song.”

Mr. DiMarco claps his palms together and rises from the table. “If I don’t get in there, my wife’s gonna be mad at me for missing the cake. Tell your fiancée—The Unicorn—we’re all good. Her debt is hereby released. Happy engagement to you both.” With that, the mob boss sends a clipped hand gesture to his bodyguard and marches into the house, leaving me to hobble after him, slowly, feeling equal parts dizzy, disoriented,incredulous and relieved . . . and also wincing with every step I take.



My hand is clasped firmly in Auggie’s as we ride in the taxi to our hotel. We’re both feeling relieved and euphoric. When we get to our hotel, we won’t be able to celebrate our good fortune with some hot sex, unfortunately, due to the piercing guy’s strict instructions. But I’m sure we’ll order a bottle of champagne and make out like teenagers. I can’t wait.

After Auggie came back inside from his private conversation with Mr. DiMarco, I was shitting a brick. A truckload of bricks. But he whispered to me that it was all great news. “We’re free,” he whispered. “The debt is forgiven. I’ll tell you everything he said after we leave.” I couldn’t believe my ears, but I trust Auggie completely, so I felt hopeful.

As quickly as we could, we said our goodbyes and extricated ourselves from the party. And then, with our rolling bags in tow, we practically sprinted several blocks to a nearby Starbucks. And that’s where we bought iced coffees, took them to a quiet, outdoor corner table, and sat and talked for over an hour.

When Auggie told me everything Mr. DiMarco had said, I felt a mixture of emotions, and still do. Euphoria. Relief. Shock. Mortification to find out Mr. DiMarco and Carlo had watched Auggie and me doing all those crazy, sexual things.Mr. DiMarcois Lucille1990 and Carlo is Catfish2000?I could puke, every time I think about it. But, mostly, I’m thrilled and relieved to finally put all the stress, fear, and paranoia behind me, and behind Auggie, too, forevermore.

I look over at Auggie next to me in the cab and grin at his handsome profile as he gazes out the front windshield. He’s so damned cute. Andbrave. Despite being scared, Auggie went outside with a freaking mob boss and had a private conversation with him and then walked away to tell the tale. Even better, he walked awaytriumphant. With Mr. DiMarco singing his praises and wishing us well. Honestly, I swoon every time I think about what Auggie has done for me. I’m deeply sorry for dragging him into my mess, but if that part was an unavoidable, canon event, then I’m awfully glad it was Auggie Vaughn who was by my side for all of this.

Auggie turns his head and looks at me. Apparently, he’s sensed my gaze on him. “I still can’t believe it,” he says. “My mind is blown.”

“Mine, too. Talk about a rollercoaster ride of emotions.”

“Why is Bella in a wheelchair? I didn’t want to ask while we were there.”

“Cerebral palsy. A severe case of it. When Bella was little, the doctors said there’s only a forty percent chance she’ll make it to twenty, so Angela, and everyone connected to her or Carlo, treats every one of Bella’s birthdays like a national holiday, just in case it’s her last.”

Auggie looks pained. He processes that for a beat before saying, “No wonder you’d never miss her birthday. It all makes sense now.”

“Well, I’d also never miss one of Zach’s or Claire’s birthdays, either. With kids, the most important thing is spending time with them. Being present. Sure, they love presents and all that.But nothing beats spending quality time with a kid to let them know you genuinely care.”

As Auggie smiles at me, the passing streetlights flicker across his gorgeous features, making him look even more beautiful than usual. “You’re an amazing person,” he says softly. “I already knew that, but today took my admiration for you to a whole new level.”

My heart flutters. “Yeah, I’m an amazing person who stupidly took you-know-what from you-know-who.” I’m being vague, due to the taxi driver sitting in front of me. But Auggie’s smile tells me he understands my meaning.

“Yeah, and I’m the guy who called the tow truck on you. Nobody’s perfect.”

We both laugh. Clearly, the two things aren’t the same.

Auggie’s smile broadens. “The day I found you and Tessa in front of my building, and Tessa said you’re the best, most amazing friend a person could ever hope to have, I thought she was delusional or full of shit. But now, I can plainly see her description was spot-on.”

My fluttering heart is pounding in my ears now. “I feel the same way about you.”

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