Page 52 of You Broke Me First

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Falling forward, I grabbed my knees as a rush of air left my lungs, and tears streaked my face. Two years I wasted on him. A man who was now blackmailing me with a video Maddox took in high school. My chest tightened painfully at the memories.

"Addison," Maddy called out, not waiting for me to answer before shoving my door open. "Omigod, Addy." Maddy rushed over, and for some reason, I lost the little bit of control I had left, and tears turned to ugly crying. "Sit." She guided me into a chair. "Addison, what happened?" I couldn't form words through my sobs. "Did someone hurt you?" Physically, no, but emotionally, yes. Everyone I ever trusted always hurt me. All this was just too much. "I'm going to get help."

"No," I snapped, grabbing hold of her shirt. "No, please."

"Okay." She sighed, sliding into the chair beside me. "Do you want to talk about it?" Sucking in a deep breath, I let it all out. I told her about Asher, the video text, and I told her about Chance without telling her who Chance was. I told her everything.

Maddy hung on my every word. I couldn't believe I was confiding in the person who single-handedly made it her life's mission to destroy me in high school, but I didn't have anyone else.

People changed, right?

"You're dating a baller," Maddy scoffed. "A football player on Maddox's team." I wasn't going to answer that. I was a terrible liar and wasn't ready to admit that it was Maddox's coach and my boss. So, I forced a smile and dramatically shrugged. I'd let her believe what she wanted for now.

"I don't know what to do," I whined, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"I think you should tell Maddox what's going on," Maddy said. "He would beat the shit out of Asher."

"And that's exactly what I don't need." I groaned. "If I piss off Asher, he will make that video go viral and..." My voice trailed off, not wanting to finish my sentence. "Plus, this is all his fault, to begin with. He sent those videos out."

Maddy's big brown eyes softened as they filled with pity.

"Then we should sneak into the locker room and steal Asher's phone," Maddy suggested, clapping her hands together. "We can delete it; problem solved."

"Not exactly," I muttered, and Maddy dropped her hands to her lap. "Who knows where else he's saved that video."

"Hmm," she hummed, twirling her finger around her short blonde ponytail, staring aimlessly past me. "What if I know someone who could help us?" The corner of Maddy's lips twisted up into a smirk.

"Help how?" I narrowed my eyes on her. I wasn't sure anyone could help right now.

"I have a friend who can hack into anything," she said, dropping her ponytail and leaning forward. "She can hack into Asher's stuff and delete the video from everything. She can even check your ex's devices to ensure he doesn't have copies." My stomach clenched, and my heart squeezed painfully tight at the thought of Chance having those videos to hold them against me.

"What if other people have the video?" I asked.

"Like who?" She shrugged. "Who else would be involved in this?"

"I don't know if this is a good idea."

"You're going to have to decide how badly you want your freedom back," she said. "Because even after the season ends, I do not believe Asher will delete that video, and nothing is saying he won't send it out anyway."

She was right. Asher was a disgusting human being, and so was Chance.

"Do you trust him?" I asked.

"I trustherwith my life." She smiled.

"Make the call," I said. I was willing to take the chance at this point.

She pulled out her phone and clicked a few buttons before setting it down. "I sent her a text to call me." I nodded. "I need to know, though, were you dating someone on the team?" I didn't answer; I just glared at her. "You were. Who was it?" I shook my head. I didn't want to talk about it. "Girl code, you have to warn others about the assholes."

I opened my mouth, but my phone vibrated across the table before I could explain. The area code was from back home.

"Sorry." I sighed. "I need to take this." Maddy nodded, flipping open her textbook.

"Hello," I said, pulling the phone to my ear.

"Addison Wright," the woman asked.

"This is her."

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