Page 23 of Holiday Intrusion

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I’m scaring her. The thought of someone getting aggressive with my mate while she’s trapped by her need to put food on the table has my body hot with rage, and I know she can smell it on me. The stench of angry alpha has a tendency to send betas and women scurrying for cover—I know because I’ve used it to my advantage more than once. But right now, knowing my female’s scared of me only makes nausea rise in my throat.

“Shh, it’s okay,” I murmur, forcing my rage down as I take deep inhales of her scent to calm myself. “Don’t worry about it, darling. Just relax. I’ve got you now.”

I do.

I lift my head to look down at her, and a wave of possessiveness courses through my body as our eyes meet. Fuck, she’s beautiful—soft and curvy, with plump lips still rosy and swollen from my hungry kisses. And she’smine.

Despite my attempt to calm her, Eve still looks up at me with concern etched on her lovely face, and a kernel of shame sparks deep in my gut.

Why didn’t I ask her on a date, she’d asked. I should have. Nowthiswill always be how she thinks of me—as an aggressor, paying her to get what I want. But it’s too late for regrets. I’m just thankful I didn’t snap and fuck her up against a brick wall in a dark alley, because I sure as shit wanted to every time I followed her home while I learned her schedule and habits.

I know of more than one alpha who got his mate exactly like that, and the resulting strain on the mating bond is not something I’d wish on my worst enemy.

No, I still have time to make this right. I didn’t claim Eve tonight, much as every cell in my body aches to, because she deserves so much more than a forced bonding. When I mark her with my claim, she will know who her mate is, and how far I’m willing to go for her.

I cup her cheek and kiss her swollen lips. The roil of emotions has softened my knot, and I shift my hips, gently pulling out of her battered depths.

“Ow!” she hisses as my exit aggravates her raw channel, and I cover her pussy with one hand to soothe the tender flesh with my warmth.

“I know,” I murmur. “I’ll get you something to take the edge off.”

Once she’s settled again, I untie the silk scarves around her legs and wrists, spending some time massaging her limbs to ease any lingering discomfort. She sighs at my touch, eyelids fluttering closed, and I can’t hold back a soft smile.

Even with my face hidden behind a mask, even after I’ve fucked her raw and made her take my knot, there’s still an instinctive part of her that feels safe enough to doze off in my presence.

“Not yet, baby girl,” I murmur, squeezing her thigh before I get up. “I’ll leave you to sleep in a minute.”

I make my way to her small bathroom where I’ve stashed the items I brought in preparation for tonight. I quickly refill her water glass, shake out two painkillers from the small bottle, and reach for the Plan B.

But as my fingers graze the foil packet, a whisper of hesitation makes me pause.

I’ve always made sure to never leave a woman without first making her take emergency contraceptives. The risk of pregnancy complicates things.


I drum my fingers against the sink as the primitive urge to impregnate my female washes over me again. The thought of her growing round with my child, of knowing a part of my very DNA might be implanting itself in her womb in this very second… It’s enough to make me hard with excitement, despite how thoroughly sated her magic little pussy’s left me.

If she were pregnant, she’d need my protection even more. And as she grew larger, she’d be so vulnerable. She’d depend on me. For everything.

She’s going to be mine, one way or the other. But if she’s reluctant… Carrying my baby, needing a provider… that should motivate her to accept my claim willingly.

I put the Plan B back in my bag, then rifle through her bathroom cabinet, finding a Vitamin B supplement with a pill roughly the same size and shape as Plan B.

I make a quick trip downstairs to the kitchen, then return to the bedroom. Eve’s still on her back on the sheets, legs splayed open and eyes closed. When I place the towel-wrapped bag of frozen peas between her legs, she stirs with a murmur, eyelids flickering open.

“Just something for the swelling, darling,” I say, brushing a sweaty strand of hair from her forehead as she looks up at me.

“Thank you,” she murmurs sleepily.

“Let’s get you some water and something for the pain too, hmm?” I say as I slide my hand from her forehead down to her nape, supporting her head. I press the three little pills to her lips. “Open.”

“What’s that?” she asks, clearly hesitant about accepting pills from a stranger. I feel a surge of annoyance that she doesn’t trust me implicitly yet, but tamp it down. She’ll get there, once my claim is brandished on her neck and my conscience is welded into her heart. “Tylenol. And Plan B.”

Her eyes flash up to mine, surprise in her drowsy gaze. No doubt she has some memory of my verbalized desire to impregnate her during our coupling.

“I said I’d take care of you,” I say patiently. “Getting to a pharmacy on Christmas would be a challenge.”

“You planned for everything,” she says, shaking her head in mild disbelief. Then she parts her lips, allowing me to place the pills on her tongue.

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