Page 14 of Holiday Intrusion

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Everything is heat and pleasure too intense to contain. I curl up as much as the ribbons will allow, crying out in mindless ecstasy as my pussy massages the silicone monstrosity in tight, pulsing cramps. And then—relief.

I collapse down on the mattress on the ebb of orgasm, every muscle in my body nearly liquifying in the wake of it. I’ve never come so hard in my entire goddamn life.

Panting with exhaustion, I squint down my body to where the Chieftain is lodged deep in my core, the alpha mercifully holding it still now. It looks obscene, the way my pussy has to gape to accommodate its ridiculous girth, but it doesn’t hurt anymore. My sheath, relaxed from orgasm, finally accepts the insertion.

I let my head fall back down on the pillow and close my eyes, intent on basking in the blissful haze of dopamine pulsing through my system in lazy waves.

But the alpha doesn’t allow me to rest for long.

With a deep slurping sound, the intruder pulls the dildo from my drooling pussy. I moan in protest, but the bliss of it popping free is nearly as good as coming.

There’s a heavythunkwhen he tosses it aside and it hits the floor, followed by the unmistakable rattling of a belt buckle opening. He’s not done with me yet.

Reluctantly, I open my eyes and try to prepare my exhausted body for more. I knew this was coming—from the moment I felt his arms around me and his erection hard and eager against my back, I knew there was only one way this night would end. No alpha breaks into a woman’s house simply to pleasureher.

Only nothing could have prepared me for the sight that meets me when he pushes down his black pants and his cock finally springs free.

I feel the blood drain from my face as genuine terror tightens my throat, chasing away my peaceful, post-orgasmic haze.





“Mistletoe, mistletoe,mistletoe!”The word spills past my lips in a frantic chant, my eyes glued to the monstrosity rising hard and proud between the alpha’s thighs and up past his navel.

I’m not entirely innocent—I’ve watched my share of alpha porn. I know they’re absurdly big. I’ve even had a couple of shameful comes to clips of some poor actress getting knotted.

But nothing—nothing—could have prepared me for this man’s size. He’s bigger than anything I’ve seen on even the darkest corners of the internet, twice the girth of the Chieftain, and there’s absolutely no way I can take that without being broken apart. There just isn’t.

The intruder groans, the sound deep and pained, and for a moment it looks like he’s going to ignore my safe word. His darkened eyes catch mine, the overwhelming lust in them making him appear inhuman—but then he draws in a deep breath and begins to untie my left leg.

For a moment I’m stunned silent. Then I whisper, “Thank you.”

“We had an agreement.” His voice is a low growl, raising goosebumps along my skin and tightening my nipples. Thick fingers brush against my thighs as they deftly undo the final knot to allow me to stretch out my left leg. “If you want to give up two hundred and fifty grand, that’s your choice to make.” He reached for the silky ribbon tying my right leg.

A small twinge of regret at the reminder of the insane amount of money I’m giving up makes its way through my fear, but another glance at his insane dick makes the horror return full-force. “I-I’m sorry, but that’s… you’re too big. I can’t. It won’t fit, and you’d break me—”

He scoffs. “That’s what you said about the toy you just took. You’re female, Eve—you were born to open your pelvis.” He leans in over me, his eyes intense as he holds my gaze. “And I know how to open you, baby girl. I’ve neverbrokena woman—and I never will. Especially not you.”

There’s sincerity in his eyes past the still-overwhelming lust making my core weep with longing.God, he smells good. Why does he smell so fucking good?

Two hundred and fifty-seven thousand dollars…

I eye his humongous cock again. “H-how would you… How would you not break me?”

The alpha’s eyes turn hooded. He lets his fingers slide up my still-restrained right leg, all the way to my splayed pussy. He circles my drenched opening once, then draws his fingertips up to ghost them over my clit. I suck in a sharp breath at the zing of sensation.

“The female body is magnificent. The things it can do take my breath away… How it can move with such grace and strength, bring powerful men to their knees… Grant pleasures without equal… Give life.” His fingers dip into my still-open sheath, gathering my cream before he returns to my clit with more insistence. Without meaning to, I groan.

“Such a beautiful, powerful thing needs to be worshipped… treated with respect. And that, Eve, is how I’ll open you without causing damage. It’ll hurt, but you were born to withstand pain. In your most primitive state, you might even enjoy the agony of opening your pelvis for a man big enough, strong enough to dominate your pussy into submission. But even as I make you gape and ache, even as I conquer you like no one ever has and no one ever will again, I will worship you like you were meant to be. I’ll take you slowly at first. Teach your body how to open. Make sure you’re wet and relaxed.”

I can feel my pulse everywhere, throbbing in my veins, in my temples, and especially in my abdomen. His words; his deep, rumbling voice; his fingers on my clit; the money; his overpowering scent filling my nostrils with rich musk and my body with a deep, all-consumingneed…

“Okay,” I rasp.

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