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“You going to kidnap me, Kane?”

“I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to. Don’t push me right now.”

The rest of the drive to the house is tense and silent. Kane grabs my hand and doesn’t let go until we step inside the house. “Don’t leave.”

He and Blaze start walking toward Kane’s office. “Yes, Daddy.”

Kane picks up on the sarcastic tone in my voice and stops dead in his tracks. I watch him visibly collect himself before he starts walking again, and they shut the door behind them.

“Why are you pushing his buttons, Jaxon?”

I run my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know.”

Eli grabs my hand and pulls me to the living room. He pushes me down on the couch and sits beside me. “Yes, you do. You’re trying to push him away because you’re scared.”

“I’m not scared.”

Eli snorts. “Who are you trying to lie to? Me or yourself?”

“Why won’t he tell me what’s going on?”

“He’ll tell you when he’s ready and not before.”

“So he can come up with a lie? He knew that cop, and they knew him. He should just tell me instead of letting my mind come up with every evil possibility.”

“He’s scared, too, Jaxon.”

“Scared of what?”

“Losing you.” That gets my attention, and I finally look at Elijah. “Kane knows that he’s riskingeverythingwhen he tells you, and that includes you walking away. You just have to give him time and promise to hear him out.”

“Is he a serial killer?” I joke, but Elijah doesn’t laugh.

“No.” He stands up and looks down at me. “Just please listen to him.”

He disappears upstairs, and I keep looking toward Kane’s office door. Elijah hit the nail on the head when he guessed that I’m trying to push Kane away because this whole thing is starting to scare the shit out of me. Add on that I just had to get him from jail, and my nerves are through the roof. I debate going to apologize but decide to go to bed instead. I get undressed down to my boxers and slide under the sheet. I toss and turn for the longest time until I hear the bedroom door open. I know it’s Kane, so like a damn child, I act like I’m asleep. I listen to the rustle of his clothes and then feel the bed dip behind me. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me against his big chest. I don’t want to admit how good it feels, but I move even closer, my body relaxing for the first time since I woke up to that phone call.

He kisses the side of my head. “Please forgive me,Litso kukly.”

I know I should acknowledge him, but I let my eyes drift closed instead.

We can deal with it tomorrow.



Ithought I had more time to tell Jaxon everything, but it looks like that time has run out. I look down at him sleeping peacefully and have to drag myself away to take care of business. I go to my office, and Blaze is already there with his feet propped up on my desk. I take a seat and rub my temples.

“This has gone too far,” I say. “I told Saint if he didn’t hear from me within an hour of that meeting, he was to leak some of those pictures.”

“Ah, that’s why Carls busted in like his ass was on fire. Good call.”

“I talked to Diego earlier, too. He said that Lev was making moves. We have too much shit breathing down our necks, Blaze.”

“We’ll get through this, Kane. We always do. I think you should keep Diego on Lev until some of the heat is off of us. Diego’s team can easily take them out if we need them to.”

I sit back in my chair. “What am I supposed to do about Jaxon? He’s asking questions, and he isn’t going to let this go. I have to tell him the truth.”
