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I heldTatum to my chest as Bash hauled ass to the warehouse Miles was being held at. When I told her we were staying in the car while they got Miley out, she didn’t argue.

She did ask why, though.

When I explained that Miles would be starving, and I didn’t want her on the dinner plate, she grew quiet.

Her eyes watered a little, too.

But she didn’t argue.

Twenty minutes later, Zander came out with Miley in his arms. She was shaking, but the gray on her legs had faded back to its proper color, and she had shifted out of her vampire form.

Zander set Miles in the passenger seat and buckled her in, then disappeared back into the building. She curled up in a ball against the door, and didn’t say a word or look back at us.

Tatum flashed me an uncertain look, and I shook my head silently, telling her to give her friend space.

The fact that Miley wasn’t attacking us meant she’d drained a hell of a lot of blood fromsomeone. My bet was on Bash.

Sure enough, when Zander came out again, he was basically carrying Bash.

I left Tatum on the seat with a kiss, stepping out to help with my older brother.

“That tiny thing packs a punch,” Bash mumbled, as we eased him to the car. “She’s tougher than she looks.”

For once, neither of us had a smartass response.

We eased him into the seat next to Tatum’s, and Zander smacked him lightly on the thigh before walking around to the driver’s seat.

Bash’s quiet classical music floated through the car during the ride back. Tatum whispered that I needed to text the apartment’s location to August, so I got his number from Brynn and did so.

Miles finally stopped shaking a few minutes before we got back, and fell into a fitful sleep.

“She’ll need to eat again soon after she wakes up,” Zander said, meeting Tatum’s eyes in the mirror.

“Brynn and I will feed her,” Tatum said, her jaw set.

“It’ll be easier for her if she starts with bagged blood. Less overwhelming. I can head out and find some, if you’re good with talking to her about it.”

Relief relaxed her shoulders. “That would be great.”

Zander nodded.

“I know a few vamps in the city who should have stashes. I’ll make a few calls,” I said.

I spent the last few minutes of the drive on the phone, and texted Zander a pair of addresses for vampires who had reluctantly offered some of their bagged blood.

He carried Miles, and I hauled Bash’s heavy ass, with Tatum attempting to help me hold my brother’s weight. My gaze moved over her face as we waited for the elevator, and I let out a long, quiet breath.

She was safe.

Reiner was dead.

If I looked at her from the side, like I was, I could almost convince myself that life was going to go back to how it had been since we’d moved in together.


