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Anastasia dragged Zander and Bash to the forming crowd of men for that one. Rafael pulled it down my leg with his teeth, and winked at me before he threw the elastic over his shoulder.

I had a perfect view of his brothers as the garter flew toward them. It was zooming straight toward Bash, but he sidestepped it at the last second. Zander followed him—and got hit square in the face with the fabric.

I snorted, and Rafael laughed.

We danced together a few more times before sneaking out. The party would last until the early hours of the morning, but neither of us was interested.

We spent a few hours in bed together, then slept like rocks until lunchtime the next day, when we went to the beach before getting ready for yet another party.

The dressfor Saturday was a rosy pink color. According to Anastasia, the color represented adjusting to the bond. I got ready with Miley and Brynn again, and found Miley blushing even more about her vampire.

Brynn was still being cock-blocked by her brother the dragon shifter, but she seemed to be having a good time anyway.

Sunday, we spent even more time at the beach, which was a blast. For the final party, I wore black, to represent the permanence of the bond.

We said our goodbyes the next morning, and then flew out to a different beachfront resort halfway across the world.

Snuggling against Rafael’s side on another airplane, it finally hit me that what we had wasn’t going to change. We were together, for better or worse, no matter what. When shit happened, we would have to work it out together, instead of splitting.

I wasn’t sure whether to be excited or nervous about that, though the sex was leading me toward the first option.

I kept feeling like the bubble of bliss we’d formed was going to pop—and a few days after we left, it finally did.

We were makingout in the private jacuzzi on the front porch of our cabana when my phone rang. I ignored it, until it rang again.

No one ever called me twice.

Disentangling myself from Rafael, I padded across the porch, into the sand, and to the lounge chair I’d left it on.

Brynn’s name was on the screen, so I lifted it to my ear.


“Something’s wrong,” she said quickly, enough panic in her voice that I immediately went on alert.

“What happened?”

“Miley didn’t come home last night. I figured she just stayed with Evan, but she didn’t answer when I texted. Or when I called. I gave it a few hours, and then tracked her phone and hunted her down. I found it in a dumpster, along with the clothes she was wearing yesterday. They’re covered in blood.”

My eyes widened. “What the hell? Where is she? Is she okay?” The words flew from my lips, though I knew Brynn didn’t have answers for them.

“I don’t know. I don’t know what to do. I can’t ask my brothers; they’re not allowed to get involved. I don’t know if I should call the Villins, or—”

Rafael took the phone from me, tapping the button to put it on speaker. His hand landed on my hip, his chest to my back as he held it between us and repeated my question. “What happened?”

Brynn told the story again, and Rafael’s eyes narrowed as he listened. “Who is Evan?”

“He’s a vampire. She met him at your party. She said she was falling in love with him, and Miley never gives guys a chance. I—”

“Evan what?”

Brynn was silent for a moment. “I don’t know his last name,” she finally said.

He looked at me, and I shook my head.

Miles had been tight-lipped about him.

“I’ll call Bash and Zander. Tatum will text you the code for the apartment next door to ours; I own it. Let yourself in and stay there until someone from my family comes for you.” Rafael gave the orders smoothly. While there was authority in his voice, there was warmth too. People listened to him, and I understood why they did.
