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“And his wife is Alena,” I agreed. “Their dog is Lily. They carry her around like a purse but talk about her like she’s a child, so prepare yourself.”

He snorted. “Lovely.”

I probably should’ve warned him about my family’s dynamics, but wasn’t sure how. So, I stayed quiet.

“Tatum!” my mom exclaimed, putting an arm around me for a half-hug and then air-kissing my cheeks. “And this is the man who stole my daughter’s heart in secret. It’s Rafael Villane, correct?”

She smiled up at him brightly, knowing damn well she had his name wrong. No one could play the weaponized incompetence card like my mother.

“Villin, actually, though I would prefer it pronounced your way.” He winked at her, and I swear, the woman nearly swooned. “And you’re Linda Bennett, I’d gather. A woman as beautiful as her name.”

She laughed airily. “Oh, you’re a charmer.”

He was, and he knew it.

“You have to introduce me to your mother when she arrives. Anastasia really picked the most beautiful resort. We usually stay at the Herron when we come here—but now, we know better.”

There she went, name-dropping a ritzy resort that Rafael most definitely would’ve heard of.

Rafael smiled, and my mom fanned her face. “Alena! Come over and meet Rafael.”

It didn’t pass my notice that she didn’t introduce him asTatum’s fiancé,Tatum’s mate, or evenTatum’ssweetheart. His status was far above mine to my family. They would try like hell to schmooze him, in an attempt to slide into his social circle.

Hence the reason I hadn’t seen them in a long time, and had no desire to do so.

My sister-in-law hurried over, her massive chest bouncing with the motion. She was wearing what had to be the world’s tiniest black bikini, so pretty much every inch of her was exposed. And of course, her tiny, fluffy dog was tucked under her arm, squished up against her side. One of her boobs bumped poor Lily in the face, and I felt bad for the spoiled little creature.

It wasn’t the surgeries or the enhanced body parts I had a problem with—it was the fake personalities that went along with them.

And the schmoozing.

And the obsession with bank accounts and social statuses.

I saw the shock in Alena’s eyes when she saw the man at my side, and it registered in her mind thatthiswas Rafael. My brother had money, but he was a dick. He was moderately attractive, but no one could compare to the level of gorgeous my demon basically radiated.

“Hello, Rafael.” She smiled her biggest, most seductive smile and put her shoulders back a bit, slyly making her boobs look bigger.

Newsflash—they didn’t need any help in that department.

Though I didn’t envy my mother or Elena, or evenlikethem, I couldn’t help but feel a bit self-conscious looking at them. I wasn’t even sure if I’d remembered to put mascara and eyeliner on that day. And I liked the way I looked, but I knew I didn’t look anywhere near as perfect as they did.

Alena offered him a hand, and I was sure she expected him to kiss it.

“Nice to meet you. That’s Lily, I take it,” Rafael said, ignoring her hand with another charming smile. He didn’t so much as look down at the dog, just gesturing to it.

My own lips curved in the beginning of a smile.

He had to know he would’ve gotten an eyeful of boob if he looked down, and he hadn’t done so. If I had to put money on his reasoning, I would’ve bet that he did so out of respect for me.

Alena’s eyes lit up. “Isn’t she the cutest? We love her to death.” She lifted the tiny dog up higher, and Rafael scratched the furball behind the ears.

“The cutest,” he agreed, clearly still laying on the charm. And it still seemed to be working, unsurprisingly.

The man was the full package—pun intended.

“So this is the demon who stole my daughter,” my dad said, finally setting his phone down on his chair and joining the conversation. His arm went over my mom’s shoulder, and she flashed him an annoyed expression that vanished before she looked back at us.

Rafael chuckled like the joke was actually funny. “I’d say yes, but it’s safe to say Tatum is the one who stole me.” He shook my dad’s hand.
