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We discussed the security he’d put into place for Tatum and her friends for a while, then talked about the four main vampire clans, who we were keeping an eye on. Bash had flown to Dallas to take care of a rogue vampire we’d gotten reports of, which would’ve been my job before I was tossed in prison.

While the vampire clans were technically supposed to deal with their own rogues, it often took them weeks or months to do so. And in those weeks or months, more unsuspecting humans died and were turned, creating more rogues. It spiraled quickly, and most of the clans didn’t care about human lives, so we dealt with it.

A few hours passed before Tatum texted me that they were ready. Zander paid the tab, shooing me out, and I strode back to her car. I intended to replace it with something newer and safer, but I was giving her time to adjust first.

I knew her well enough to know it would take some convincing, too.

The girls were all buzzed and laughing when they climbed into the car. Tatum pulled me down and plopped a kiss on my mouth before I could close her door behind her, then laughed alongside her friends. It was our first kiss, and considering how everything else had gone in our relationship, it seemed quite fitting.

I grinned at her. “How much champagne did you drink?”

“Just a little.” She held her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart, and I shook my head at her, closing the door after she tucked her feet safely inside.

“Thanks for the fun, Rafael,” Brynn called.

“No problem.”

“Can you give my brothers your number?” She giggled. Miley and Tatum snorted, and she laughed, harder. “Can you give your brothers my number, I mean.”

“You’ve got it.” I chuckled to myself, driving back to their place. Miley and Brynn made their way unsteadily to their door, waving at Tatum, and she waved back without hesitation.

Her head leaned up against the window, and I knew the magic in her system would already be weakening the effects of the alcohol. Demons got drunk the same way humans did, but it didn’t last long.

By the time we parked, she seemed almost entirely sober, but still looked calm and relaxed.

She let me help her out, and leaned against me as we walked back to the elevator.

“How was shopping?”

“Fun.” Her smile was genuine, her cheeks still a bit red from the alcohol.

Fuck me, she was the most adorable creature I had ever seen.

“Good.” I couldn’t stop myself from brushing my lips to her forehead, touching her that way.

She stepped a bit closer to me. “Your mom will be here tomorrow?”

“Unfortunately.” I ran my hand slowly over her hip, wishing she was still wearing one of my shirts to give me better access.

“How well do we have to sell it to her?” She leaned in closer, and my arm around her tightened.

“Fairly well. We’re sure she has an idea that it’s fake, and she wouldn’t lie for any of us. She’s part of the supernatural government, so she is very particular when it comes to mating. If we can make it seem reasonably real, she won’t ask questions or bring up her suspicions.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“It’s just the truth.” I brushed my lips to her forehead again.

“We’re going to have to practice acting like we’re in love, then. She’s probably ancient, so she’s not an idiot.”

I chuckled. “How do you intend to practice that?”

“I have no idea.”

The elevator dinged, and we stepped out together. Neither of us made for the stairs, or our beds. I hadn’t eaten dinner without her, knowing she’d need food after trying on dresses, and the sun had only just finished setting.

“Sit down. I’ll warm up leftovers.” I brushed another kiss to her forehead.

Tatum made her way to the couch, sprawling over the cushions and staring out the windows. She seemed to enjoy the view as much as I did, and stared at the mountains intently.
