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“You will never have that problem with me,” he said, his tail tightening around my leg.

“I’m realizing that.” I closed my eyes. “Damn, I feel good.”

“I was right about relaxing, wasn’t I?” He inhaled again. “You need this as much as I do.”

“Maybe.” I wasn’t willing to admit aloud that he was right, but… well, he was.

His tail disappeared from around my leg, and I was a little disappointed when I looked over and found him in his human form. But those gorgeous blue eyes met mine, his lips curved upward in happiness or humor, and the disappointment vanished.

It should’ve been a crime to be that pretty.

Then again, Rafael clearly didn’t need any help on the crime side of things.

He slipped the vibrator out of me and stepped into the bathroom connected to his portion of the floor long enough to wash it.

When he stepped into the room, he tucked it back in his nightstand. “Let’s go get your things. You can feed me again tonight, afterward.”

I eased myself to a sitting position, a little dazed from the orgasms. When he picked up my panties, the smoke around me thickened again as I watched him tuck them in his pocket.

“I need to wear those.”

“They’re drenched, Tater-tot. I’m keeping them as a trophy.” The bastard winked at me.

“You don’t need a trophy. You already tricked me into swearing myself to you for the rest of our immortal lives. Which, by the way, I have yet to wrap my mind around.”

“Immortality is weird,” he agreed. “And I’m keeping my trophy anyway.” Opening one of his drawers, he pulled out a pair of clean boxer-briefs and tossed them to me.

After a moment, I gave up on fighting with him and pulled them on. They looked similar enough to biker shorts that I’d just untie his shirt and wear them like that.

“I feel like the fact that your underwear fit me should make me want to eat less chocolate,” I remarked, untying the knot in my shirt.

“Don’t be ridiculous. My hands are too big for your tight little ass as it is.”

A laugh burst from me.

He was the ridiculous one… and I was starting to like that more than I could admit to him, or myself.



The driveto my apartment was peaceful, and I warned Brynn and Miley that we were on our way when we left, so they wouldn’t be caught off-guard when we got there.

Brynn wasn’t star-struck by him thankfully, and when Miley started questioning him, she joined in.

He had no problem answering their questions, his entire body at ease while he talked and helped me pack my shit into suitcases. And then into garbage bags, when I ran out of suitcases.

Even the garbage bags didn’t faze his rich butt, somehow.

He invited Brynn and Miles to our mating party, offering free food, flights, and lodging, and both agreed readily.

I could tellhe had charmed both of them by the time we were done packing, and I said goodbye while Rafael made a few trips to haul everything to my car.

When I hugged her, Miley whispered, “Let us know if you need us to kill him,” but it was half-hearted.

Brynn squeezed me tightly afterward, whispering, “I’m serious about the brothers, Tatum. I want one.”

We all laughed, but I could see the honesty in Brynn’s eyes. I would have to explain the potential mates thing to her before she got too hopeful.
