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“Not if you want a chance at convincing me to feed you.”

He grimaced, but didn’t argue.

The elevator dinged, and the doors opened to a small hallway with two doors that faced each other. Rafe typed a code into the keypad on the door to the left, and it opened into a huge living space.

My eyes rounded as I took everything in. The colors and décor weren’t modern, but they were simple and comfortable. The floors were a rich shade of brown, the walls a soft white, and the kitchen cabinets a natural wood shade that made me feel at home. Any chef would be happy working in a kitchen that big, with appliances that gorgeous.

The walls in front of me were massive, floor-to-ceiling windows that gave a stunning, unencumbered view of the mountains. There were only two gaps in the windows. One was for a huge bookshelf, and the other was for a movie-theater-worthy TV.

My eyes followed the huge windows up to a second floor that looked like it only covered about half the living space of the one we were on. Was it a loft? I wasn’t sure. It gave half the living room monstrously-high ceilings, though, which was gorgeous.

Along the staircase leading up to it and the ledge that looked out at the living area, there were metal rails. They were done in a matte black shade that matched the handles on the kitchen cabinets, and tied the whole space together.

“The bedrooms are upstairs.” Rafe gestured to a staircase, and then in another direction as he set the candy box on the countertop. “The bathroom down here is over there, and the remote should be on the side table if you want to turn the TV on. Yell for me if I don’t hear my brothers come in.” With that, he headed toward the stairs.

“You never gave me my phone back,” I reminded him.

He stopped, pulled my phone from his pocket, and tossed it to me before heading up the stairs.

“Let me know if you decide to strip down and touch yourself. I’m still hungry,” he called over his shoulder.

My face flushed, but I resisted grabbing a pillow to throw at him that time.

Ignoring him, I stepped out of my shoes and strode over to the couch. It was a monstrous thing, in a shade of blue that almost reminded me of denim.

When I plopped down on it, I decided my new life goal was to make enough money to buy a couch that comfortable for my own house.

After I bought said house, of course.

I didn’t bother with the TV, instead calling Miley back. I heard a shower turn on, and felt more relaxed knowing that Rafael was occupied. The phone rang twice before she answered.

“You’re still alive?” Miles asked.

“Seems like it,” I said relaxing into the couch. “How are you feeling?”

“Really good, actually,” she admitted. “I didn’t realize how nice it would be to have no emotions for a minute. I haven’t felt this relaxed in years.”

“I’m glad.” I closed my eyes and let out a long breath.

“So what happened, exactly?” Brynn asked. It didn’t surprise me to hear her; we always put each other on speaker when two of us were together and the other was on the phone.

I gave them both a quick rundown of meeting Rafe, followed by the dragon shifter, and everything else that had gone down.

“You’re not in danger, then?” Miley checked.

“I don’t think so. There’s a chance he could want to kill me just so he doesn’t have to deal with having a mate, but he’d probably end up back in prison if he did. Apparently, mate bonds are sacred to supernaturals.”

“That’s not entirely reassuring,” Miley said.

“Believe me, I know.” I squeezed my eyes shut tighter.

“What does his place look like?” Brynn asked, curiosity in her voice.

“Gorgeous,” I admitted, opening my eyes and taking in the breathtaking view of the mountains. It was late in the afternoon, but the sun hadn’t started going down yet, so everything was bathed in light.

They convinced me to show them, so we changed it into a video call, and they oohed and ahhed as I showed them everything. It was fun seeing their heads squished together in the camera. Brynn was tall and curvy, with straight blonde hair and tanned skin, so she had to lean down while Miles had to strain upward.

“It’s surprisingly comfortable.” I turned my video off and leaned my head back against the couch. “But I don’t know what I’m going to do about thefeeding himthing.”
