Page 3 of Tank

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His grip on the chair loosens, and he steps back. “Tell me something about yourself before I tear those fucking scrubs from your body to see just how wet that silk is between your thighs.”

I swallow and nod, searching for something to say before I do something stupid, like let a biker fuck me in the room with an unconscious patient. “I like to draw and paint sometimes,” I stammer. “Well, sketch, really. I’m not an artist or anything, though. I just do it for fun.”

He smiles but doesn’t put more space between us. “So you’re an artist? I am, too. A tattoo artist.” He places his finger under my chin and whispers, “I’d like to tattoo your cunt with my cock.”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Hot with a dirty mouth,andhe’s an artist?

My heart races and my face heats up as I try to think of something else to say before things get any further out of hand—anything that might keep me from tearing off his clothes right here and now.

“I…uhm…like to read too.” I smile sheepishly, my heart beating out of my chest.



The first thing I hear when I roll into the clinic is Sophie’s laugh. She’s got a full body laugh, the kind where you know she’s tossing her head back, her long dark hair tumbling down her back, exposing her sweet, kissable neck. It’s a real laugh, none of that fake, polite chuckle bullshit.

And sure enough, when I turn the corner, she’s giggling it up with Nurse Hannah. Sophie’s lips turned up at the corners, gripping Hannah’s shoulder to keep from falling over.

“Don’t get into too much trouble tonight, girl,” Sophie says with a wink.

“Oh, I’ll be causing some trouble for sure. It’ll give us something to gossip about tomorrow,” Hannah fires back, smirking at me as she brushes past. “Night, Tank.”

“Night,” I reply. Gotta admit I’m itching to get to Sophie, but duty calls. I trail Hannah and lock up the rear exit. The clinic’s officially closed for the night. Olly’s bike is parked out back, so we got the night shift covered.

I do a quick lap to check the front door and all the rooms. This isn’t an overnight infirmary, but Banger’s family, so Nova set him up private where no Bloodthirsty Devils can find him. The place is as quiet as a graveyard now, none of Sophie’s laughter ringing out.

I find Olly standing guard over my wounded brother laid up in bed with Sophie leaning over him, checking the tubes and the pinging machines.

“About time you showed up,” Olly grumbles by way of greeting. “Gotta take a piss something fierce.”

I chuckle. “Well, maybe you oughtta have the doc check out that busted bladder of yours.”

“Jackass,” he mutters.

I sneak a peek at Sophie, and damn, does she makes my pulse pound. “Hey,” I say, making her jump a little. She turns with that stunning smile that hits me like a fist.

Sophie’s a knockout, no doubt about it. Thick dark hair she usually keeps tied back, but today, it’s wavy like she just got off a ride along the coast. Big brown eyes tilt up slightly at the corners, framed by thick lashes so it looks like she’s made up even when she’s not wearing a lick of makeup.

Most days, those eyes are hidden behind glasses, but today, her glasses are tucked into the pocket of her blue scrubs. She’s classy as hell but approachable, sexy as sin.

“Hey yourself,” she says, beaming like she’s genuinely glad to see me. And that right there revs my engine something fierce. I switched up my shift just to spend more time with her fine ass.

“How’s he doing?” I ask, nodding toward Banger, lying in bed.

“Better but still not waking up.” She jots down something on the bedside tablet and drops her arms to her sides before her gaze crashes into mine again. “How are you?”

I blink at the question. When was the last time someone asked me how I was doing? No fucking idea. “Better now that I’ve laid eyes on you.”

She shakes her head, laughing at my words. “Cheesy.”

“Cheesy as fuck,” I agree with a smile. “But true. Those scrubs are giving me all kinds of naughty thoughts.”

Her lips part slightly, just enough to let me know she’s got naughty thoughts too. She recovers but only enough to face me and arch one sculpted dark brow in my direction. “These scrubs do that?”

“No, the woman in the scrubs.” I know I’m playing with fire and shouldn’t even entertain the idea of taking this flirtation with Sophie to the next level. She works for Nova, which makes this shit all kinds of complicated, but as I stare at her now and that little pulse flickering at the base of her throat, I know she wants this as bad as I do. Somehow, I can’t find any fucks to give.

“Noted,” she stammers and then stands taller, smoothing one hand down her sides in a soothing move.

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