Page 13 of Tank

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She nods. “Makes me want to curl up with a cup of coffee and a good book.”

“Or,” I say, smirking, “with a handsome guy named Tank?”

She punches my arm playfully, her laughter infectious. “Very smooth. I see what you did there.”

We continue our leisurely stroll toward the clinic, the morning wrapping around us like a comforting blanket.

“I’m glad I met you,” she says, leaning into me as we approach the parking lot.

“Ditto,” I say with a grin. “Thanks for making last night and this morning memorable.”

She wraps her arms around my waist. “Anytime, Tank.”

As she heads inside, I realize there’s a connection, something unspoken—yet undeniable—between Sophie and me. I want her by my side, to be the one she turns to.

The world might be fucked up and unpredictable, but one thing’s for sure, I’ll move mountains to make Sophie mine. Every fiber of my being tells me she’s worth it.

And I’m determined to prove that to her.



It feels like forever since I had a night off. Friday nights have become a blur of IV drips, patient charts, and the unyielding scent of antiseptic. Tonight? I’m clocking out of Nurse Sophie mode and clocking into Sophie’s-gonna-have-some-fun mode.

Josie texted earlier with simple instructions.Dress to impress. That’s exactly what I plan to do since Tank is busy keeping guard outside Banger’s room.

The plan is to slip into something a bit wild, get a teensy bit tipsy, and indulge in some quality girl time with my numero uno, Josie.

I’m rocking a sapphire blue number tonight—makes my eyes pop like caramel candies. And okay, maybe it’s a tad forgiving around the midsection, but who’s looking there when the rest of me is so on point? And these heels? Sky high and comfortable. Well worth the hefty price tag.

Every step feels like I’m on the runway, especially when the young man at the door gives me a once-over.

“Thanks,” I say, flipping my hair.

“Anytime,” he calls after me, giving me a cheeky grin. “Have fun!”

If these young guns are noticing, I must be radiating some good vibes tonight. I stand a little taller and scan the place for Josie.

She waves to me from a seat by the window with the harbor as her backdrop. “Thought you might’ve been abducted by aliens,” she teases, looking me up and down appreciatively. “But now I see you were just busy turning up the heat. Nicely done.”

I laugh, feigning modesty. “You know me, always getting distracted by shiny things.” I slip into the seat opposite her and ask, “Been waiting long?”

“Not even long enough to finish my first drink,” she says, holding up her half-empty vodka cranberry as proof. “And got your signature dirty martini comin’ your way.”

I smile. “You’re a lifesaver.”

I can feel Josie’s scrutinizing gaze on me, and I squirm a little. “So, what’s the tea, Soph?” she asks, narrowing her eyes. “You’ve been all mysterious lately. What’s the story?”

Ugh, she’s always been unnervingly observant. I’ve got a tug-of-war pulling inside my head. One side wants to gush about everything, the other wants to keep my newfound happiness to myself. Finally, the former wins out. “All right, all right... I met someone.”

She leans in, intrigued and maybe a touch skeptical. “You... met someone?” She’s tasting each word, rolling them around as if trying to decipher a hidden message. “Who’s this Mr. Mysterious, and why you been keepin’ him under wraps?”

I feel the defensive rise in me. “He’s not a secret,” I quickly retort, even though, in many ways, Tank has been my sweet secret. But not in a shameful way. More like a delicious secret I’m not ready to share... yet.

She nods slowly, sipping her drink, and gestures for me to continue. “Go on then. Tell me about this... not-so-secret man of yours.”

With a gulp of liquid courage, I start, “His name is Tank. And yes, before you even go there, he’s built like one. In every possible sense.” I chuckle, but then quickly add, “He’s a biker.” I see her expression, or lack of one, and rush to fill the silence. “But he’s more than that. He’s got this unexpected, sweet side, a wicked sense of humor, and, well, a way with words that’s... captivating.”

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