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He cocked his head and smiled. “The sound of the crickets at night around the property. The wind rustling through the branches. The even clopping sound of the horse’s hooves on the path.”

She gave him an incredulous look.


“None of that has anything to do with the coffee shop.”

He shrugged. “The coffee shop isn’t my whole world.”

“Well, maybe that’s your problem.” She leaned into him. “It’s like I said before. You should be doing something that you’re passionate about. Like that book tour. I sent in my application. Can you believe they make you write a little essay stating why you should be considered? I guess that’s what we get when the people don’t charge for this sort of thing.” Megan sighed. “I can’t wait to hear back from them.”

“It’s going to be an awesome opportunity,” Daniel murmured. “Anywhere they pick is going to get a lot of attention from not only the folks in this town but the next one over.”

“Yeah,” she crooned. It wasn’t lost on her that his voice had shifted to something a little disappointed. He was probably worried about how it would affect his business. How could he not? And she was fully aware of how he’d ignored her statement regarding moving away from his shop to do something with horses. She craned her head around and peered up at him from where she rested her cheek on his shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll find something that you’re passionate about. It’s only a matter of time.”

He smiled down at her but didn’t say anything. Daniel had been so supportive lately. She couldn’t help but feel like she was dropping the ball. She’d have to come up with something to help urge him along to the kind of happiness she had.

She just had to figure out how to do that.


Guilt overcameDaniel as he went about the morning chores to open the coffee shop. It had been a week since Megan had told him about the book tour and a week since he’d nearly ruined everything and submitted a request to be considered for that exact book tour.

He had the space. He had the coffee. And he was a coffee shop owner. He was the epitome of what that woman wrote books about and he knew that if he’d submitted the request, he would have gotten it.

The completed form had been left open on his computer when Megan had visited. Just before he would have submitted it, she’d knocked on the door.

If anything had been a sign to stop what he was doing, it had been that.

But it didn’t change the fact that he’d been close to doing it. He’d been so wrapped up in his coffee shop woes that he had been willing to destroy his relationship with Megan.

There was a part of him that tried to believe she wouldn’t have been upset. All was fair in love and war. And their competing businesses were still technically at war even now.

He was still struggling, though not as much. He was making enough to keep the lights on and his people paid. But he’d taken a severe pay cut—something he hadn’t been willing to divulge to Megan.

Corbin wasn’t supposed to come in until later today, leaving him to his dismal thoughts as he continued to work. Unfortunately, those thoughts continued throughout the day even after the lunch rush. He was wiping down a mess some kid had left at a table when a trio of strangers entered the shop. He glanced up with a smile and tucked the rag into his apron. “Welcome to Mountaintop Java.” There was a young man, and two women, all dressed like they belonged in a business meeting in New York. One of the women held a clipboard and scribbled furiously on the papers it held.

They glanced around, mumbled quietly and nodded then the young man stepped forward. “Do you know where I could meet with the manager?”

“I’m the owner, what can I do for you?” His unease immediately set off alarm bells in his head. Hopefully these people weren’t the folks down at the bank. He’d been making sure to stay on top of his payments, but they could still come by and demand a walkthrough.

The man held out his business card. “I’m with Sweet River Publishing, and we want to discuss the possibility of using your coffee shop for a reading.”

His heart jumped a little. “You do?” Daniel glanced down at the card. Alexander Mumford. He didn’t recognize the man, but the publishing company was the same one on all the pages for that same book tour that Megan was trying to get. “I thought I’d have to submit an application to be considered for this.”

Alexander smiled. “So, you’ve heard about it.”

Daniel nodded numbly. Had he accidentally submitted the request by mistake? He hadn’t thought he had, but now he wasn’t so sure. He lifted his gaze, glancing back toward the women who flanked him. “I’m sorry, how did you hear about me? I don’t believe I submitted a request.”

“Actually, we came to this town because of the bookstore across the street.”

His gaze shifted to Megan’s shop. Had she submitted the request in his place? Suddenly all his apprehension faded and he was able to return Alexander’s smile. “Oh. I see.”

Alexander gestured toward the woman with the clipboard. “If it’s something you’d like to do, Carol will have a few questions for you. Then we can put you down for the schedule.”

If he hadn’t heard it from Alexander’s own lips, Daniel wouldn’t have believed it. Megan really had turned over a new leaf. She was doing more for others rather than prioritizing her shop. Daniel had been right after all. Megan was someone he could give his heart to.

Daniel nodded. “Of course. I’d love to host your author at the shop. I’m sure it will be something the folks in town will really enjoy.”

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