Page 17 of Trust Me

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If someone else had been checking me out and then asked that question, I might have suspected ulterior motives for wanting that information. But with Nora I wasn’t so sure. I shut the freezer and slowly straightened. “A little less than two hours. My mom is getting the kids dinner before she brings them back. Why?”

“Just wondering.”

What the hell did that mean? Frustration and desire tangled in my stomach. I braced a hand on the counter and leaned in. “Okay, Nora, I’m putting all my cards on the table.”

She blinked up at me, looking slightly befuddled. “Okay.”

“I want you, but I’m having a hard time getting a read on whether you feel the same. Are you playing hard to get? It’s not my favorite game, but I’ll go along with it if you want me to. But if that’s not what this is, if you’re really not into it, just tell me and I’ll back off. I won’t be an asshole about it, I promise.”

Her eyes widened. “What? No!” she practically shouted. “I mean, no. I don’t want you to back off, and I’m not playing hard to get. In fact, I’m the opposite of that. I’m easy to get. Well,” she corrected quickly, “I’m easy foryouto get.”

Her words were a lit match on kerosene. I didn’t go in slow. My lips crashed down on hers, but she met me halfway, rising up on her toes. I put my hands on her waist, hoisted her onto the counter, and stepped between her parted thighs. The sudden contact made us both moan, our lips still pressed together.

Then she giggled.

“You think this is funny?” I nipped her bottom lip.

“I can’t believe you thought I didn’t want you. I’m already wet.”

And here I thought I couldn’t get any harder. I was wrong. “How wet? Let’s find out.”

I slid my hands up the soft skin of her bare thighs, heading for their juncture. She swatted me away with a squeal of alarm. “Not on the counter! I’d never be able to look Suzie in the eye again.”

Fair enough. “Wrap your legs around me, kitten.”

Her eyes narrowed at the nickname, but shit. I had been thinking all day how we had woken up together, her purring against me, and it just came out.

She complied with my direction, rocking her hips against where I wanted her the most. I groaned as I lifted her fully against me. “You’re going to kill me.”

“Hmm,” she said. It was all she could manage since her mouth was busy trailing kisses up my jaw to my ear. She kept that up as I carried her swiftly to the living room.

When I started to lower her down on the couch, she lifted her head. “No!”

I froze.

“We can’t have sex on Suzie’s couch. I mean, you’re herbrother. And she sits there sometimes.”

“I guarantee Suzie has had sex on this couch with Sam.” I grimaced at the thought. “Okay, nowIcan’t have sex on this couch, knowing whose bare ass was here last.” I looked around. “I guess that rules out the chair, too.”

“The floor?” Nora suggested. She grinded against me hopefully.

I looked down at the shiny hardwood planks. “There’s no carpet. That’s going to hurt.” Although I was already starting to hurt, and it was only going to get worse if I didn’t get inside her soon. “Oh, hell. I don’t care. You can even be on top.”

“Such a gentleman.” She went for my belt buckle but then suddenly changed direction, leaning slightly to reach her purse on the couch. Still in my arms, she rifled through it. “Just a second.”

“Take your time,” I said, my voice strained. I shifted her weight so I could hold her securely with one arm. With the other I unzipped her dress and tugged down the straps as far as I could, given the circumstances.

“Aha!” She whipped out a condom and dropped her purse to the ground.

“It would have been easier to get the one in my wallet.”

She didn’t answer because her teeth were gently clamped around the packet. Her hands were back on my belt buckle, thank god. There was the beautiful sound of my zipper going down and then finally,finallyher warm fingers circled my dick.

Jesus, that felt good.

My eyes closed and I nearly dropped her. Dammit. I needed to get a hold of myself.

“The wall,” she whispered.
