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“I wish I could give you a choice,” he said sternly. “But it’s not worth the risk. You can have my bedroom, or any of the others, if you want it. Treat it like a vacation for a few days while the shop is closed. Please.”

“I don’t like it.”

“Nobody does except the psycho who’s stalking my brother. By the way, I am making him move in too. Just in case you were worried I was a sexist who thought you couldn’t take care of yourself. I want my family under tight security until she’s off the streets.”

“Thank you, Ethan,” I said, “for the help and for understanding why I didn’t jump at the chance to move in with you. It’s not personal, I promise. I’m just used to my space.”

“I know the feeling,” he said ruefully, “I lived alone in a giant loft until half an hour ago. Now I’ve got you and Noah. I expect Leo won’t be far behind. No matter what he said about being left out or scheduling or whatever, I know he wants to be where the action is, whether it’s the stalker or whether it’s being near you. We can count on him to show up.”

“Good to know,” I said. I gathered what I needed quickly and drove back to Ethan’s loft, my temporary home.



It was a relief to have Madison and Noah under my roof. I’d given the head of building security all the information on Noah’s stalker and the most recent social media photos my secretary could find of Olivia Rade. There was little chance she’d be able to get past the lobby if she tried to approach any of us.

I was confident that the loft itself was secure. I was also sure that if I told Madison Stewart that she had to have one of us with her anytime she went out, she’d roll her eyes and ignore me—if I was lucky. She’d more likely give me an earful about her independence. The fact was, her association with us, specifically Noah, was the reason she was in danger. The least we could do was protect her from it. While I wasn’t sure the crazy ex-girlfriend posed a danger, she was clearly unbalanced, and she’d fixated on my brother. I wasn’t willing to risk his life or Madison’s for the sake of their pride or convenience.

Hopefully it wouldn’t get to that point, and for the time being, I’d settle for Madison checking in with one of us by text when she arrived at work and when she left. The whole situation set me on edge. Noah had said more than once in a not-quite-joking way that I was trying to be his dad. That I was the older brother not the patriarch. That I was bossy, overbearing, and my favorite autocratic. I knew the situation stressed him, so I figured about eighty percent of what he said was more related to how powerless he felt to stop his ex from wreaking havoc.

“Should I try to intimidate her?” He had asked me on the phone. His voice sounded so heartbreakingly young then, more like the teenager he’d been than the man he was today.

“I don’t recommend waving a firearm in her face if that’s what you’re asking. It’s a felony.”

“Not with a weapon, I don’t know what I’m asking. Maybe I should get in her face and tell her I’m going to fucking ruin her if she doesn’t stay away from my family and friends. Some action movie shit like that. It doesn’t feel right—it feels cruel and aggressive. I’m embarrassed to involve the police and admit that I couldn't handle this alone.”

“I think it would take a licensed psychiatrist to handle this on their own, Noah. It’s not your fault that she’s unstable and put you in her crosshairs. In fact, the way I look at it, some instinct may have told her you were a trustworthy and safe person, that you were unlikely to take drastic action like running her over in your car or something,” I told him.

“Who said I was going to run her over? Jesus, Ethan. Maybe cut down on the Lifetime movies, okay? That sounds like some show where the battered wife has to kill her ex in self-defense to save their dog or their kid or something. So morbid.”

“I meant it as a compliment. You’re a good man, and even in her convoluted mental state she must be aware of that. If it were me, if I went off the deep end like that, I wouldn’t want to try stalking somebody who’s gonna carry a concealed gun and put a bullet between my eyes the first time I aggravate them.”

“Who are these people you hang out with that run over each other with cars and shoot somebody in the head? Are you okay?” He asked.

“I don’t think you can successfully turn this around and make it seem like I’m the one with the problem here. It’s her. And by extension, you.”

“And by extension Madison,” he said ruefully, “Do you think this will ruin my chances with her? Or maybe keep her from wanting to be with any of us? Because of the drama?”

“I doubt it. She seems like she’s made of sterner stuff, for one thing, and for another, if she’s going to be scared off by something like this, which is in no way your fault and is in fact something bad happening to you that has your career and peace of mind in the balance, then we don’t want anything to do with her anyway. If she runs over this, then I misjudged her sense of loyalty.”

“I hope you’re right,” Noah sighed.

“I’m always right,” I said easily.

“You’re an autocratic bastard sometimes,” he said with a not-so-light chuckle. “If she bails on me, you can still date her. I know you said you’re falling in love with her.”

“No way,” I said, “Anybody that blames you for this doesn’t deserve our time.”

“That’s ice cold, man. Remember, you’re not my dad. You’re just my brother. And if you say bros before hos, I’m going to shit myself.”

“I have never said that in my life and don’t plan to start today,” I said.


“Listen, I’m glad you’re moving in and that you see the sense in being cautious.”

“Thanks, Dad,” he said wryly, “I live to make you proud.”

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