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What the hell?

I realized at that moment that he would never require my position. I don’t mean that he will ever take from something I am unwilling to give. I just mean that I will never refuse him. He is entitled to anything he wants from me whenever he wants it. It’s that simple.

I cry out as Drake's cock thrusts deep into my ass again. He's holding my hips firmly, using them as leverage for his thrusts. I'm not going anywhere.

What the hell?

I scream.

I'm crying out but not because of pain. Hell no, I'm crying out because I'm right on the verge of orgasm. I don't understand it. His cock still stretches me in a way that sure as hell feels like it ought to hurt me. I don't understand why I'm not screaming in pain. I also don't understand why I don't understand why I'm enjoying this. Yeah, I know it seems like I’m talking in circles. I tell you what, lube up a baseball bat and ram it in your asshole. Then, you’ll have an idea about what’s going on with me and then you can judge me.

Drake isn't giving me much time to think about it. His thrusts are hard, fast and relentless. He's not whispering softly into my ear. He's not telling me how much he loves me. He's not doing anything romantic, not that I'm asking for it.

He's just fucking my ass, and I'm loving every second of it!

I can feel orgasm building but it's not the type of orgasm I would have with his cock in my pussy. It's building differently.

It's building from a deeper place inside me and that's why I cry out as though... I mean, it’s almost like pain. I mean, I'm not really in pain. It feels like it ought to hurt, but it doesn't. But it still feels, I don’t know, wrong and confusing, like pain does. You know, pain tells the body something is wrong. This doesn’t hurt. It feels good. Still, the sensations seem to tell me something is wrong. Fuck, I don’t get it. It’s confusing as hell.

And it’s incredible.

I don't understand why I feel this way, but I do. I'm pretty sure it's because the orgasm builds from a deeper place.

When Drake's cock increases in speed and force until it's like a jackhammer in and out of my ass, I realize he's going to cum soon. That triggers my orgasm and it hits just as I feel the cum spurting from his cock.

My orgasm is powerful! It's like nothing I've ever felt before. It doesn't feel like my clit has anything to do with it but deep in my pussy, the pulsing, explosive pleasure overwhelms me. It's confusing, too, because I feel fuller that I have ever felt before with that massive thing in my backdoor. Simultaneously, though, my pussy feels so desperately empty! There's something about having my ass stretched the way it does that makes the contractions of my orgasm more powerful. Hell, I don't know. I don't know anything except this feels incredible.

After several seconds, the orgasm seems to move from my pussy to my entire body. It starts in my pussy, though, and it's seriously like nothing I've ever felt before. The pleasure is so powerful that I have no words for it. I could say it was orgasmic but that doesn't do it justice. It seems to be an orgasm of another kind, an orgasm different than the ones I normally have.

As I start to come down from the orgasm, I'm aware that Drake has slid his softening cock from my ass. I just remain bent over the couch. Just as I'm coming back to my senses, I feel his body behind me again. I turn my head to look at him but nothing comes into focus before he pushes his cock, hard again, into my pussy. At that point, there's no hope of anything coming into focus.

I'm okay with that. I’m really, really okay with that.


We dragons havean affinity for beautiful young women, and so I guess it’s just my turn to be completely swept away by a girl I barely know. Dragons don’t mate, actually. What I mean is that although two dragons might come together just to create a child, there is no romance between adult dragons. We are all far too independent and, if I’m being honest, far too egotistical.

In contrast, when it comes to the idea of a permanent mate, a mate for life, it is common for a dragon and a human to become a couple that lasts the life of the human. I put it that way because dragon lifespans are far longer than humans. There are those who call us shifters like the wolf shifters, bear shifters, horse shifters, and… well, like every imaginable kind of animal and human hybrid. I suppose about a third of dragons believe we are shifters.

Another third believe we are not shifters at all. We are purely dragon. They believe there is no such thing as a natural dragon like there are natural wolves or natural bears. In context, anyway, they believe that. They don’t believe we’re a combination of two different creatures with the ability to shift between them. They believe that dragons throughout history from the very first dragon have been able to take on a human form whenever they want to.

The last third of the dragons fall somewhere in between. I guess I’m that type. There is no question that natural dragons are extinct in the wild (if we’re not natural dragons) so we’re all that’s left. It’s possible there are fossil records of dragons confused by paleontologists as dinosaur bones but we don’t think so. That’s because when we die, we always return to human form. Most shifters’ bodies are simply whatever form they wore at the time of their deaths.

Anyway, there is a great deal of mythology about dragons, of course. Most of it is bullshit. None of us can breathe fire although in dragon form, we’re pretty much impervious to anything having to do with temperature no matter how extreme it might be. I think there’s truth though in the tales about dragons wanting virgins and princesses. Like any other group, there are good individuals and evil individuals in the population. When I talk about us having an affinity for beautiful women, I’m understating things.

See, there’s almost a compulsion when it comes to certain women. We are instantly smitten and utterly under their spell. Given that we have the physical ability to take what we want, there are certainly dragons in the past who have done exactly what the fairy tales suggest. I’m sure in the history of the world, there are real examples of lovely girls spirited away by unscrupulous dragons less concerned with the rights of their captives than with their own desires.

The compulsion is powerful, I’ll admit, and this is the first time I feel it. Sienna is beautiful, of course, and I can understand my physical attraction. What surprises me, though, is that I also feel entranced by her intelligence, her sweetness, her sense of humor, and pretty much every other thing about her.

Sometimes, I hate my contemplative nature.

It is my contemplative nature that leads me to act slowly rather than immediately, or impulsively. It is my contemplative nature that leads me to consider what it would be like to lose her and then allow myself to lose her.

This woman is perfect, but she is also of a different world. The mountains are, for her, a vacation, a reprieve. They are not her life. They are temporary for her, and so behind us is the furrowed trail of snow showing the path of our travel, and in front of us is the hotel waystation where she will get transportation to the municipal airport an hour from here.

We talk a lot on the trip to the hotel, saying nothing of importance, but filling the silence with words so we can stave off the inevitable pain of parting. She tells me of her friend, Tara, who she promises me will, as she puts it, give her plenty of shit for trying to climb the most difficult peak in North America alone. I tell her of my travels, describing some of the more exotic places I’ve been. I don’t mention, of course, that I travel there as a dragon.

When we reach the hotel, the conversation stills. With the moment upon us, words fail. They can no longer distract from the parting that will now take place.

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