Page 22 of Loved Like a Little

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He pressed his erection against my leg, resting his head on my shoulder. “I’m always up when I’m with you. Like, always. I’m not even sure I can make it through dinner.”

“You will make it through dinner because skipping meals isn’t allowed.” I kissed him softly then gave his bottom a soft swat. “But after that, we’ll do whatever you’d like, baby. My body is yours to enjoy.”

I didn’t expect him to say anything back, but his confidence was growing by leaps and bounds. “And…my body is for you to enjoy?” The question in his tone left something to be desired, but I considered that significant progress, so I didn’t dwell on it, choosing to provide positive encouragement instead.

“That’s right, baby. You are mine to enjoy.” I playfully nipped at his ear, making him squeal in laughter. “And I enjoy you so much I could eat you right up.”

The doorbell rang with our dinner delivery, so we put our sexual hunger on hold long enough to sate our physical hunger.

* * *

“Sushi rice is my favorite.” Billy scooped up a bite with his chopsticks. “I could eat this every day.”

“Me too.” I leaned across the table and grabbed a spicy California roll off the platter. “Kyoko’s is the best. They’re consistently good and have been since I was a kid.”

Billy took a sip of his Coke then leaned back against the couch. We were eating at my coffee table, but he insisted we sit on the floor so it was more authentic. “I bet you were a handful when you were a kid.”

I grinned and waggled my eyebrows. “Yeah, I gave my mom a lot of gray hairs, that’s for sure.”

He smiled wistfully and then took another bite of his rice. “Are your parents still around?”

“My mom is.” I put down my chopsticks and turned to face him. “She went into assisted living a few months ago. That’s when I inherited Kona. But she’s doing pretty well there. Loves gossiping with the ladies and even has a gentleman friend that she’s had dinners with a few times.” I shivered dramatically at the thought of my mom hooking up in her old people home. But I guess she had needs too.

“She sounds pretty cool if she’s still getting action at her age.”

“Yeah, she is.” I hadn’t brought it up sooner because I didn’t want to remind him of his own loss, but now seemed like the right time to invite him to meet her. “I usually have lunch with her on Sundays. She goes to church with her crew and then I meet her in their cafe. If you’d like to join me tomorrow, I’d love for you to meet her.”

“Tomorrow?” He suddenly seemed nervous. “Already? Isn’t it too soon? I mean, you met my dad, but that wasn’t intentional.”

“Hey, baby. Breathe. It’s okay either way.” I placed my hand on his neck and pulled him closer. “I already told her I was working this weekend and probably wouldn’t make it, so we don’t have to go. But I wanted to extend the offer. It’s an open invitation, so whenever you’re ready, I’ll take you.”

He stared at his food for a moment before turning back to me. “Do you think she’ll like me? I mean, what if she thinks I’m not good enough for you?”

“Impossible.” I pulled his hand up to my lips and gave it a kiss. “She has impeccable taste, so I know she’ll love you. But even if she doesn’t, nothing will change the way I feel about you.”

“Okay, then.” He took a deep breath and smiled. “I’d love to meet your mom sometime. Maybe not tomorrow. But soon.”

It meant a lot to me that Billy was so open to my suggestions. He didn’t have a lot of experience to draw from, and though he’d witnessed his friends developing healthy relationships, he still had so many insecurities that only time would mend.

But I was a patient man, and I could wait as long as he needed me to.

Because Billy already owned my heart, body, and soul. And I planned to work day and night proving to him that he was fucking perfect to me.



After dinner and a movie, I got the feeling that Axel was trying to rush me to bed. But not in the good way that I wanted to be rushed to bed. He kept yawning and reminding me to brush my teeth like we were actually gonna sleep.

But since my dick had been hard since the first kissing scene in the movie and never really went down after that, sleep was the furthest thing from my mind.

But Axel was officially my Daddy, and I wanted to be his good boy, so I peed and brushed and got into his bed with my blankie in hand, ready for whatever he had in mind. At least, whatever sexy things he had in mind.

“Do you have everything you need, baby?” Axel came into the room after turning out all the lights and locking up. “What about a diaper?”

I raised my eyebrow teasingly. “Not yet. We can put that on after.”

“After what?” He stripped out of his clothes, finally giving me a show that almost made me cream my jammies right then. “Once we fall asleep, it’ll be too late. But if you choose not to wear one, that’s okay too. It’s no problem to do laundry tomorrow if needed.”
