Page 125 of Desiring You

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Smiling, I graciously accepted their compliments. “Thank you. I feel beautiful too.”

Maddy sniffled. “I don’t. I’m still carrying a lot of the baby weight, my breasts are swollen, and I officially have cankles.”

Bouncing Scarlett gently as I moved closer to Maddy, I gave her a brave smile. “What I hear you saying is that you need some time to pamper yourself. To step away from the role of mama for a few minutes so you can focus on yourself. Because, Maddy, you are beautiful. You gave life to this little angel. But it’s hard to feel that way when you haven’t showered enough, you’re running on too little sleep, and you haven’t had a chance to be loved on by your man. Right?”

A tear ran down Maddy’s cheek. “Yes,” she sniffled. “That’s it exactly.”

Kiley stepped forward and sat next to Maddy, holding her. “Then let me take Scarlett for the night. You’re already showered and dolled up for this. Scarlett will be fine for one night away from you.”

“And don’t worry about slighting me,” I said with wide eyes. “I’m totally the aunt who can do the little bounce and walk thing, but then I give kids back. Besides, there’s Shadow.”

Maddy furrowed her brow. “He doesn’t like babies?”

I laughed. “No, he loves everyone, but he’s not big on sharing me. He stares.”

Molly giggled. “You mean when you eat, like Roscoe?”

I shook my head. “Shadow stares when I spend time with Ransom until we either have to go to another room or I give in and let him snuggle with us.”

Maddy chuckled. “Seriously?”

I nodded. “Shadow has no shame in his insistence for affection, it seems. But damn, he’s a good dog. Always comes when he’s called. Safe to be in the house by himself for a couple hours without destroying things. Plays out in the snow with Ransom. Never gets too cold.”

Ransom came up behind me resting his hands on my hips. “Probably because you won’t let us stay outside long enough to get cold.”

I lifted my unoccupied shoulder. “What can I say? I’m an involved pet parent.”

Ransom’s hands slipped lower until they settled low on my waist. “You know I’ll take care of him. And you,” he said in a low, growly voice as his lips barely brushed my ear. The tingles his breath, lips, and hands produced never ceased to amaze me. “Now, come over here. There’s someone I want to introduce you to.”

I bit my lower lip. “Um, that’s weird, but okay. Molls, you want to take over with Scarlett?”

Molly looked to Maddy who nodded. “Sure!”

With a careful transfer, and Ransom’s hands nearby, I got Molly sitting comfortably in a padded wingback chair in the swanky hotel restaurant with Scarlett softly snoring. “Hank will come running if she cries,” I whispered to Molly, “so just enjoy the baby snuggles.”

I leaned back to find Ransom’s hands resting on my hips.

“Come on,” he said, pulling me over to a reporter who looked familiar. “Pete? Time for your interview with my wife.”

Pete gave a wide smile. “Sure never thought I’d hear you say that, man.” He extended his hand to me. “Pete, sports writer for the Clarke Gazette. Since this is a story near and dear to the hockey lovers and Regina, I’m covering the event tonight.”

I smiled, remembering how Ransom once pulled me away from him months ago. “Ah, Pete. Good to see you again.”

He tapped a button on his phone and held it between us. “So, how did you do it? How did you bag the hockey player who talks less than I change my socks?”

I snickered. “Well, Pete, I talk enough for the both of us.”

He asked a few more questions about the book before Ransom pulled me away to dance.

On the way to the dance floor, we ran into an impressively dressed man.

“Harry Norman,” he said thrusting his hand out to me.

I forced myself not to react with a squeal. “Mr. Norman, Phoebe Garrison-Pierce. Nice to meet you.”

A smirk tugged at his lips. “That’s a well-written book you have there.”

My brows furrowed. “It’s just available today. No offense, but how could you know that?”
