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Kayla put her arms around my neck at that moment, startling me out of my daydream. “Hey, Dadster, Mary-Beth says it’s all good and we’re ready to go. I’ll be down in the van with Bryce and Tansy, okay? I’m riding with them.”

I turned and my heart filled with pride and joy as I looked at my eldest daughter. She’d grown so much in the past year, in so many ways. She was now taller than Mary-Beth, and, clearly, already wiser than her old dad. She’d gone from strength to strength at school once we’d dealt with the bullying issue, and she was still taking the art workshops. Marissa said she had real potential, and it looked like we might be destined to have an artist in the family. At least one, anyway. Who knew what Charlotte, this tiny, sleeping bundle of potential in my arms, would become. Whatever she wanted to do with her life, we’d be right behind her.

“Charlotte’s going to be a genius,” said Kayla, as if she were reading my mind.

At that, Charlotte grumbled in her sleep, wincing and wriggling. I put her up over my shoulder to pat her back and she woke in surprise and did a big wet burp all down my shirt.

“You’re not a genius, though,” said Kayla, teasing. “Otherwise, you’d have a burp cloth handy.”

And with that, she held out her arms and I handed Charlotte over. “Come on, little sis, let’s get you strapped in the car seat,” she said. The most beautiful quality Kayla had was her kind and loving nature. She was blossoming into a wonderful young woman, and I felt privileged to witness it.

I took a deep breath. So, it was really happening. We were moving out of the apartment.

We’d found a beautiful house a couple months ago, in Williamsville, so that Kayla could be nearer to her mom and stepdad’s place. That way she could come and go a bit more freely between her homes as she got older. Mary-Beth had great plans for the house – retro vintage cool, just like the apartments, which, of course, had gone like hotcakes on the first weekend of viewings.

Mary-Beth was next to me a moment later, handing me a muslin cloth. “She got you good there, Papa,” she said.

I grinned and wiped my shirt. “All my girls run rings around me, you know that.”

“That’s the way we like it,” she said, stroking my shoulder, as I cleaned myself up. “And I love my wild sexy hot alpha male too,” she added, in a low whisper, right in my ear. That went straight to my groin. Time had only strengthened our intense sexual connection, and that connection had seen us through all the challenging, and busy, and crazy times in the past year. It had made us stronger, and we stoked it like a hearth fire.

“I can’t wait to raise hell in our new bedroom with you,” I said.

“You wait, mister. We’re going to bring the roof off that place.”

“Is that a promise?”

“You know it.” She tilted her face to mine and I kissed her lips.

Mary-Beth took my hand and entwined my fingers with hers.

“Time to say goodbye,” she told me. “To the place where it all started.”

“We can come visit, between tenants,” I told her.

“Yep, and we can relive old times when we do,” she replied, with a flirty look.

She squeezed my hand twice and I squeezed it back.

“I love you so much,” she said, kissing my lips. It was just a light graze, but it went straight through me, making me want her, making me think of later.

“I love you too,” I said. And with that, she gently pulled me by the hand and we walked together into our next adventure.

The End.
