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“I can do it all on my own,” I told him. “But sometimes, yeah, I do want someone to step in for me. Not because I need it – but because I want to feel supported, and protected, and loved and…”

The word hung between us in the air.

And then we both stood abruptly. “Well, I’d better get the dinner going…” Alex mumbled.

“I need to do Maddy’s bath,” I muttered.

As we took the most awkward walk up the stairs to Alex’s apartment, any remaining anger or resentment I felt towards him melted away.

He was a good man. A fantastic dad. And he had a beautiful heart.

I didn’t want us to be broken up.

But he’d made his decision. It was a good and sensible one, and he’d be sticking to it.

Precisely because of all his wonderful qualities, Alex was out of my reach, maybe forever.



Mary-Beth had filled me in on the bare bones of what had gone on with Macy and her horrible friends. And she’d shown me the damage to the cabinet. She’d already organized for it to go to a restorer that she knew, and someone was coming to get the makeup stains off the suede too. Hardly heard her about any of that, although I appreciated her getting it all put straight for me. I was furious with Macy and those other girls for bullying my beautiful, gentle girl like that.

I hadn’t had a chance to go into it with Mary-Beth then, as Caleb had arrived and she needed to go to that meeting. Kayla had been asleep at that point, so we hadn’t gotten a chance to talk about it.

Until now.

Kayla woke up again at nine that evening, after Mary-Beth had gone to her room with Maddy. She’d had dinner but she was hungry again, so I’d fixed her something to eat.

“Sorry, Dad. I’m so sorry.” It was the first thing she’d said when she’d appeared in the kitchen, where I was reviewing Mary-Beth’s neat file of supplier invoices, spreadsheets of budgets, expenses and timescales.

I stood and pulled her into my arms and we hugged tight.

“Hey, there’s no need to be sorry,” I told her firmly. “I’m so sorry those girls were so mean to you. And Macy – I can’t believe it! I’ve known that kid since first grade. She’s been on so many holidays with us over the years, and now – this?”

Her eyes filled with tears. “Don’t blame Macy, Dad, please.”

I reined it in then. My protective anger and frustration. I hadn’t even started on my opinion of Paulina. But I thought about what Mary-Beth would say. I stopped making it about me and my feelings. I put the other girls out of my head and focused on what my lovely daughter needed from me right now. That’s when I noticed she was holding Mr. Frog, her favorite toy from when she was little. And I got it suddenly. She didn’t need a crusader for justice. In that moment, she needed reassurance. She needed a dad. “I’m such a loser,” she mumbled, sitting down heavily and hugging Mr. Frog tight.

I sat beside her and took her hand. “Hey, no you’re not. You’re amazing. You’re kind and thoughtful, and you care about the world so much, and all the animals. If those girls can’t appreciate you, then they don’t deserve to be friends with you. And if they’re bullying you, love, that’s their problem, not yours. There are ways we can get that dealt with, without making it worse for you.”

Kayla scratched at the table with her fingernails, and I resisted scolding her.. “Thanks, dad,” she said eventually. “Mary-Beth called it bullying too. I didn’t think she was right at first, but maybe she was. They’re always mean to me at school. I hate going to school now.”

I had to really hold in my warrior rage at that point, but I managed it. “What kinds of things happen?” I asked carefully.

But she shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it now, Dad, if that’s okay. Today has just been a lot, you know? But I will, I promise.”

I squeezed her hand. Part of me wanted to push her for details. To get this fixed as soon as possible. But I knew it wasn’t about that. If I wanted her to let me in, I had to go at the pace that was right for her. “Sure, honey,” I said. “I’m here whenever you’re ready. Meanwhile, how about one of Mr. Moo Moo’s speciality double-layered grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato, just the way you like it?”

She smiled at that, and my heart almost burst with love for her. “Yes, please, Dad.”

* * *

I laid awake that night, desperately missing Mary-Beth. I’m sure the feeling was even worse because she was right down the hall. I’d never go to her and invade her privacy like that, and, of course, I wouldn’t risk waking Maddy. But I lay there willing her to appear at my bedroom door, a beautiful curvy silhouette against the door frame, lit by the hall lamp. And then for her to slip into my bed, and for me to wrap her up in my arms, and kiss her deep and long and…


I rolled over grumpily and thrashed about, the bedcover tangled around my legs.
