Page 40 of Redfang Royal

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Nikolaj Redfang presents his daughter,


Friday at 9pm

Best offer welcomed to the family

Nothing says auction, but the subtext leaves me smoothing another tooth-licking grin. “Nikolaj is selling Jericho’s fiancé?”

Fucking beautiful.

Jericho destroyed Reese’s shoulder, got our pack exiled to military college, and made us lose tabs on our perfect beta.

Now he’s broken and about to lose his contract mate.

As much as I want to take revenge with my own hands, I have to give karma the W for that poetic justice.

My father’s jaw grinds hard enough to count his fillings. “He’s demanding we dissolve the engagement.”

I’ve never met Serafina Redfang, but I’ve heard a hundred faded rants about Jericho’s spoiled omega-to-be. “Maybe it’s for the best. They hate each other.”

“Their feelings aren’t relevant,” says the man who hated his mate enough to knock up his personal chef and bring me to life. “Nikolaj is blaming the Triad for the crash and Konstantín’s death.”

My brow-furrow deepens to a trench.

The Redfang Cartel’s succession battle has been raging for months. I keep tabs because Konstantín has always been Jericho’s fuckboy wingman, and the more I know about his business, the easier it is to mop up their mess.

Konstantín slaughtered his brothers to be crowned the Redfang heir. Last I heard, he was the only surviving male. “So who inherits the cartel?”

“Serafina, in name. In reality? Her alphas.”

Here it comes.

The part where Kairo orders me to wipe my brother’s ass.

But before my pack is out of the country, I have to keep asking my father the only question he wants to hear. “What do you need me to do?”

“Sabotage the auction.” Kairo’s cheeks redden from popped blood vessels and entitled rage. “Use any means necessary to stop that girl from being marked. Jericho will bite her as soon as he wakes.”

I wouldn’t call his plan a plan, but even as an idea, it bleeds with holes.

Jericho could be unconscious for weeks.

Even if he woke tonight, he’s not about to weather a mating heat with a broken spine.

That’s already assuming we can get to Serafina, who Nikolaj keeps vaulted like the crown jewels.

Totally implausible.

That’s why I love it, coast to coast.

There’s no scenario where I help Jericho abduct and mate-rape an omega just so he can add a billion-dollar drug empire to his power base.

Might as well put a pistol in my mouth.

“If I do this, I want out. My pack and our family go free, and I get controlling shares in Crescent Entertainment.” I clench the trident tattoos inked over my fingers. “You get the Redfang Cartel, Jericho gets the girl, and I get to leave. No strings.”

The last time I tried to negotiate with Kairo, he had five soldiers beat the shit out of me and dump me at the dock where the Triad sinks their bodies.
