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The ice cream social is in the same atrium where the OCC throws high teas. I’ve snuck into so many events to steal food, but this is the first time I’m attending when my name’s on the list and I comply with the dress code.

I’m more composed after a brisk walk across campus. While I wait to be seated, I avoid looking at the bodyguard who outshines every other alpha in the crowd.

I tucked his check into my bra with my spare shiv.

I never asked for happily-ever-after, but with the money, I have a chance at this is okay.

That’s more than I ever hoped.

I also don’t expect to find a pack that sears the Wyverns out of my nervous system—it’s not fucking possible with them wormed down to my cell nuclei—but that’s not what I’m here for either.

All I need is one decent pack willing to lend me a long weekend.

I say a silent prayer as I stand at the entrance, waiting to be seated.

There has to be one.

“Lilah?” A voice cracks through my anxiety.

I whirl to find a beta backed by three alphas in tailored suits.

Familiar voice. Really familiar brown eyes.

But the rest of him is new—in a suit and tie instead of hospital scrubs.

“Doctor—uh, Cale?”

“I was afraid you’d be mated off before we had a chance to speak with you.” He glances warily at Hunter, who hovers like a tatted Ken doll. “May we join you?”

“Yes! Are these your alphas?” I’m curious about the pack he claims owns half the city. I take a step closer, but Cale doesn’t answer.

He breathes hard, while the alphas quiver, the first full-on hit of my scent lighting a fire that has them adjusting their ties and biting off growls.

I expect to get hit just as hard, but I don’t feel the same fireworks.

The alphas smell like blueberry muffin, buttered popcorn, and cherry amaretto.

The fourth, softer scent is Cale’s crushed graham cracker.

All scents I like just fine.

They’re the frozen yogurt of alpha energy.

Like, it’s good, but it’s not ice cream.

Not that have-to-have-it, lick-up-all-the-drops, get-inside-me-now sexual napalm that the Wyverns blast me with every time they strut into my space.

They’re perfect.

I don’t need more brain poison.

“Sorry.” Cale shakes himself. “I’d love to introduce you. This is Jason, Kipp, and Rhett Sorensen. Guys, this is Lilah.”
