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I can’t.

I’m not ready.

Haven’t really talked to Orion since the heat. I don’t need to flash back because tonight almost ended the same.

The sprint through the woods. The kidnapping. I would’ve hit the trifecta if the Brauns shoved me in their car.

That time I saved Orion.

Now I don’t know what to say.

If he should apologize.

If I should apologize.

Or if I should jump into his arms and hug out his soul because he protected me, and I missed him, and I’ve been so fucking alone.

Before I can decide, Wyvern Pack busts through the bushes.

I grip the bench, bracing for the hit, and the wind gods deliver their worst, wafting the Wyverns’ scents straight into my soul.

Atlas’s tonka and leather hugs me tight.

I throw out my hands before any of them can try to do the same, already spinning from smoke, cedar, and blood orange.

They stutter to a stop, focused one-hundred percent on me until Orion rises. The motion’s just as heart-piercing as the oncoming wave of alpha dominance.

Orion steps in front of me.

It screams his position.

He just shielded me from his own pack.

My throat goes so gummy, I think I swallowed chalk.

In black camo, with quads and shoulders thick enough to deadlift a private plane, Atlas looks like he was mail-ordered from a mercenary brochure. He twitches at Orion’s stand, and a thread of doubt sneaks into his businesslike question. “What happened?”

I duck behind Orion.

I need a second.

A week.

An eternity.

I’ll never be ready to face them.

It’s too hard with their scents in my nose and their dominance draping me like a weighted blanket. Every psycho omega instinct says I should already be in their arms.

Or riding their—


If they purr, I’ll have to bail into the pond so they can’t scent me.

“Lilah, baby. How hurt are you?” Hunter peeks around Orion. His hair’s a mess after the fight, all dark and rumpled, and the smoky honey of his scent soaks into his sweet voice.

“I’m fine. Not a baby.” I’m going to break into the nurse’s office and steal the good painkillers, but as far as Wyverns need to know, I’m peachy.
