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I’d rather drown.

And fuck it.

If this is what he wants, I’ll take him down too.

When he swings me up, I use the momentum, wrapping my legs around his neck and squeezing until his eyes bulge.

He tries to hit back, but we’re too tangled, and I throw myself like a porpoise, using my last strength.

Won’t need it if he gets me back on this ship.

With a gurgling choke, Dominik tips.

We free fall into the churning water.

Saltwater slaps me in the face.

Icy cold shock.

I splutter, trying to disentangle.

The life vest sends me bobbing to the surface while Dominik roars.


Need distance, I—

He jumps me, dunking my head and using me like a buoy, fumbling, trying to get it unbuckled so I’m the one who drowns.

I kick, but the water muffles the blow.

I’m spluttering, half underwater, somehow freezing and sweating, twisted with pain and—

Something clicks.

I go still, letting him steal the vest, but while he’s fumbling with numb fingers, I’m taking a huge, lung-filling breath.

My pulse slows.

The heat-pains simmer, but I’m weirdly calm as I sink below the waves.

The water’s murkier than the pool.

Salt stings my eyes worse than chlorine.

But the hum in my ears is the same as ever. That hugging, body-glove feeling that reminds me I’m at home.

The water’s mine.

I grab his ankle and pull.


He kicks out, but I’m already too far below.

Dragging him.

Deeper and deeper and deeper.
