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I stealthily add a few drops to my scrambled eggs. While I flip meats, I reluctantly let Orion man the toaster, but he’s on a burn notice.

When the eggs are done, he catches me sprinkling on more chili flakes.

With zero reaction, Orion grabs the shaker of chili salt and gives the plate a hearty sprinkle.

That’s when I know he’s my fucking soulmate.

Orion’s blue eyes twinkle—I’m sure mine do not—as we serve the platters in the breakfast nook.

I sit at the spot they saved me at the head of the table, but before I can make myself a plate, Atlas hands me the heaping one he already made for me.

He hands the second plate to Orion.

He’s being so sweet, I’m almost sorry for what he’s about to experience.

Then again…nah.

The unsuspecting alphas dig into Lilah Darling’s fire eggs.

Jett chokes first.

“Did I forget to put water on the table? My bad.”

Hunter goes down next, thumping his chest. He turns to me with red, tearing eyes of betrayal.

Now they know something’s wrong, but they’re big manly alphas, so they say nothing.

Atlas turns to Orion, maybe hoping to get a lifeline.

“Delicious.” My partner in crime shovels eggs like nothing’s wrong. There’s a hint of forehead sweat, but otherwise, his poker face is immaculate.

I take a bite. The eggs are so magma hot they give third-degree lip burns. I smile as my tongue goes numb. “What do you think?”

Atlas takes a bite. His eyes widen, and he swallows hard. “Guh-good.”

Finn choke-laughs. “This is how you want to play it, Starfire?”

I make eye contact, asserting dominance as I shake more chili flakes onto my plate, then take another bite. I love the burn that warms me all the way through. “What? I like spicy.”

Atlas, brave soldier, keeps lifting his fork and chewing. But every time he blinks, it’s like he’s seeing the devil.

Jett sighs and helps himself to another scoop. His skin flames angry red. Instead of his killer, clean complexion, he looks like he did ten shots of tequila and a marathon.

“Liiiiiilaaaah.” Hunter dabs teary eyes with his napkin. “Why?”

I can’t help it.

I lose my shit, gripping my belly and giggling like an idiot. Orion collapses, cackling into my shoulder.

Payback is sweet and ongoing.

They eat everything, and then I make them do the dishes.

I move to Jett, who’s loading rinsed plates into the dishwasher. “Did you get any good info after you talked with the guys from the afterparty?”

He stills, maybe surprised I’m talking to him.

Half the time, I want to give him an exorcism, but I also can’t look away. Someone needs to watch him.
