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When I reach the end, it feels like crossing onto a private island. Not a sound reaches this far, and the silence wraps me like a hug.

I hesitate to open the door.

If this nest is as freaking perfect as the rest of the place…

But I can’t help myself.

I have to look.

And why?

Why do they have to do this to me?

Three steps lead up to a huge mattress platform too massive to be called a bed. I flick on the light, and the ceiling twinkles with LEDs embedded like stars. When I hit the controller, they flash in rainbow colors.

In case anyone wants to disco fuck.

A little alcove has a mini fridge, and a pass-through to a bathroom with a deep, deep soaking tub and an orgy shower.

I squish down every omega instinct jellified by the perfection.

But if you gave me a blank piece of paper and told me to sketch my dream nest—


Here it is.

When Orion enters it’s worse.

I can feel that tingle at the back of my neck. I’d claw the shit out of anyone who invaded the territory my body instantly recognizes as mine.

Bigger problem?

I recognize Orion as mine.

So when he leans his chin on my shoulder, all I want to do is yank him up the steps, swan-dive into a pillow mountain, and snuggle ’til we both pass out.

“Kind of perfect, right?” There’s a wistful note in his voice.

“Too perfect.” I heel-turn and get the fuck out before my brain writes the alphas into the snuggle fantasy.

I choose the closest bedroom, which turns out to be the master suite. I’m itching to get out of my dress, so I peek into the closet, hoping someone left a stray pair of sweats.

The walk-in’s so huge it has a chandelier and one of those sitty puffs in the middle.

It’s overflowing with clothes.

I tug a sleeve with tags—a sweater, maybe cashmere if that’s the material that feels this soft?—and wince at the zeroes.

It has no scent. So no owner. New.

I march to the living room. Jett disappeared and Orion’s still poking around, so I’m left with the unholy duo. “What’s with the clothes?”

“They’re yours.” Hunter won’t meet my gaze.


“Because online shopping,” Finn chirps. “Star. Wait until you see what I—”
