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A captive audience of fawning betas and free access to alphas at campus events.

She taught electives on mating and pack dynamics, and the other girls loved her. I was the only one who saw the darkness in her smile when she had to play polite.

I saw her real face when she kept me after class.

She was the trainer who introduced corporal punishment because “traditional discipline” wasn’t keeping me out of fights.

Turns out, I wasn’t the only one Renee made suffer.


I thought my heart was done beating for him.

He’s like a spooked horse, rigid with this wary, tense energy, but it’s worse because he’s not even that present. His dark eyes are so haunted, he’s tissue-paper under his collared shirt.

Like he’s already ripped into a thousand shreds.

The sinkhole keeps yawning, growing the queasy feeling in my gut. “What did she do?”

“What did you see?” He asks from a million miles away.

“Nothing.” I shiver. “Nothing. If I’d seen her hurt you… Shit. You’re the only one I—” The only person I cared about.

For a long time.

Jett stares into space like he’s staring through time.

And the hole inside me grows too big, seeing him this broken.

I want to touch him, to tug him away, but I don’t dare. He’s too fragile.

“Follow me.” I stride out of the room, heading for fresh air.

His papery complexion regains some life when we walk into the night. I keep walking down the sidewalk to the line of ornamental boulders on the grass.


Jett obeys.

The motion’s so instant, it gives me chills.

Feels like I could tell him to do anything, and he wouldn’t say a word. I perch next to him, leaving a huge gap between our bodies. Then I pull out the phone Orion gave me.

It only has a few contacts. I pick Hunter’s from the list and send a message. Jett needs help.

You okay? He responds before I can put the phone away. We’re on the way.

No one’s hurt, I answer just as fast. “Hunter’s coming.”

“That’s for the best. I won’t bother you again.” The resignation in his voice rings every one of my alarms.

“What do you mean?”

“I owe you more than an apology.” Jett straightens his shoulders, like he’s finally coming back online, only it’s not the same program running as before. “The best thing I can do for you is disappear. You have no reason to avoid the others if I’m gone.”

My heart drags down my chest, growing heavier and heavier. “Disappear where?”

“Away.” He stares into the distance. “Not yet. First, I’ll finish dealing with the trainers who hurt you. Then Renee and—” he chokes off, swallowing. “And then I’ll go.”
