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How ‘bout running away? “I already made the call.”

“Even if not for your bond, Honeymoon Hills isn’t an option.” Hikaru tries to stare me down, but I refuse to wilt. “Until Dominik’s removed, the threat to you can’t be underestimated. Better if we keep you under our protection. The manor—”

“No.” You’ll never catch me in that place again.

When I think of the Wyverns’ mansion, I think of the cold basement.

Bodies lumped on the grass.

Dead moths on the kitchen counters.

The garage where Craig injected me and the lawn the Redfangs dragged me across before shoving me into their car.

Worst of all, the stairs.

Crawling up and down in bone-breaking agony.

I’m supposed to walk those halls and feel safe?


I’d feel safer standing on the corner with a cardboard sign that says OMEGA NEEDS KNOTS.

“I’m not going home with them.”

Scorpio huffs out a breath. “Lilah. You’re not understanding—”

“You’re not understanding.” I grip my new knives, wondering if the dads can feel my blood boiling, because I’m pretty sure I have teapot nostrils. I’m so angry, so fucking done, that it slashes their dominance, letting me hit them with eye contact hard enough to rattle teeth. “I understand the threat. I’ve always understood what happens to omegas.”

A gang leader wants to kidnap and rape me?


Knew that could happen since I was five. “My contract with Wyvern Pack is void. Yeah, I still have to pay back my debt, but that’s to the OCC. Not to your packs. I have every right to put myself into rotation. You don’t get to make my decisions.”

“Fucktarts,” Max mutters.

Scorpio clears his throat. “We’ll have words with them.”

They can have all the words in the dictionary.

It has nothing to do with me. “I’m being discharged tomorrow. I’m not going home with them or with you.”

“This isn’t a negotiation,” Scorpio insists. “We’ll send an armed escort, but it’s taking you to our compound or the OCC. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee your safety.”

They can’t guarantee my safety either way, but I’d rather take the imitation olive branch than keep arguing when it takes everything I have to not roll over and be all yes, Alpha, whatever you say, Alpha.

They can and will hammer me into submission, and there’s no way I’m stepping a toenail onto their territory.

So, I spit another set of words I never thought I’d say. “I’m going back to the OCC.”



The only goddamned reason I left Lilah in a hospital bed was the clear-as-day satellite image of Dominik Redfang waiting for death on his private island.

We finally had his location locked.
