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Please not Craig.

Please not any of them, but I hate the idea of Craig in my space the most.

It’s Jett.

In a suit, his hair slicked back to show off a profile like a billionaire CEO, he couldn’t look more out of place in the dingy basement. Yachts and runways are more Jett’s speed.

He jerks when he notices me peeking. Breathing through his mouth, he looks like he’s in pain.

“Here. Be ready at six.” He tosses the garment bag in his arms over a chair, and by the time I get to the table, he’s already taking halfway upstairs.

The gesture, the bag, the dark hair and eyes.

All the same as I remember.

The boy I made myself forget.

It was tea party weekend at the OCC, when the omegas’ families visit for a fancy day in the gardens. One back corner table was reserved for us Darlings, even though I was the only one who showed. A cucumber sandwich would’ve been my only meal that day. I was bruised and aching from a fight the night before and avoiding the dining hall. At the party, with parents watching, I thought I’d be able to scarf down a few mouthfuls in peace.

The trainers kicked me out, saying I didn’t meet the dress code in my scrufty sweatpants.

Hungry, tired, aching, I ran and hid, finding everywhere crowded, even the dorms. I ended up in the prop room behind the theater, nesting in a pile of silks and pillows from a performance of Arabian Nights.

I was sad and alone.

Until he found me.

He gave me a dress then, too.

He gave me a reason to smile.

“JJ?” The name slips from my lips.

Jett freezes on the top step, giving me nothing but his rigid back.

“Are you… JJ?” I can’t match the images of this demonically beautiful man and the sweet boy I used to dream about.

I forgot about him because I needed to forget or the hope would’ve crushed me.

Jett’s so taut that the air vibrates, every cell of him fixed on me, even though he never turns and never acknowledges me.

The door slams.


He remembers.

I don’t like the idea of anyone knowing my real history instead of the careful persona I’ve cultivated since I got wise. Not that Jett knew the facts, but I can’t count how many times he found me beaten up, wallowing alone when there were no classes to throw myself into, and I had nothing to do but sulk.

I unzip the garment bag.

The fabric is the blue-grey of a storm cloud, deep and shimmering. It matches my eyes so exactly that it’s impossible to believe Jett hates me. Unless one of the others picked it out, but I’ve never seen one of them in anything but T-shirts or camo, and a tantalizing hint of cedar clings to the fabric.

My fingers tremble as I slide them over the soft, silky cloth. The bodice is embroidered with delicate pearls and glistening crystals. Jett picked out a gown for a princess.

Not for me.

As I pull it out of the bag, I’m positive it’s exactly my size, maybe even tailored.
