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The second time was when Atlas took me to the OCC to officially register my omega status. I don’t know her name, but the woman smelled sweet as buttercream frosting and wore a coy smile that drove alphas insane. Every male in the building would’ve rutted her in the lobby, right next to the fake fucking ferns.

While holding my hand, Atlas tracked her like a wolf stalking a fawn, nostrils flaring, pupils dilating.

Now there’s a female just like that inside my home.

And fuck is she perfect.

I want to kill her at the same time I want to bring her a blanket and fresh bandages for her feet because why the hell is she bleeding on my floor?

I lean over one of the splotches where she soaked through her gauze, giving a tentative sniff. It’s iron. Metallic. Not a hint of pheromone.

That lack is the only thing standing between me and losing my pack. As soon as she perfumes, I’m fucked.

I trudge upstairs to Jett’s office. He’s not home. None of them ever are, off dealing with the Redfang fallout they’ve barely told me about. Even when they’re not on mission, they’re busy at HQ, teaching classes and guiding the recruits.

I’m banned from the building.

Scorpio says it’s not personal. An omega who can’t control his perfume will only stir up the students and spark dominance battles.

So I’m stuck. Alone.

It leaves me too much time with my thoughts, and today, too much time with the security cams. I pull up the feed from a few minutes ago, skipping back until Lilah crouches in her room, timidly listening against the door.

I watch her creep, babying her feet, but moving so smoothly this can’t be her first time playing wraith. When she meets Craig, and the shithead goes after her, I should be cheering. Instead, I scowl at the screen.

“I just wanted to ask for the Wi-Fi password,” she says softly.

Craig thinks the girl is a hacker?

Even I’m not that insane.

Besides, why would Lilah need to hack our files?

She’s a female omega. All she has to do is ask. The guys will give, tell, or steal her any little thing she wants.

Maybe not yet, but she’s been here one night, and she already has Finn mesmerized. Maybe Hunter, too.

How long until Atlas caves? And Jett? He looks at her like he’s seeing a ghost.

Fucking Craig.

He orders the girl to do chores like he’s a bitten-in member of the pack, which he’s not and will never be unless I’m dead and the guys are insane. Lilah does his job better than him, quickly putting away the food and cleaning the filth.

I’d do it myself, except I hate being downstairs with Craig stalking around, shooting me moon eyes and panting after my alphas. It was even worse when we hired a housekeeper. I could smell the woman for weeks. It made me extra twitchy, expecting the lady to pop around a corner every second.

The video keeps playing, and I watch myself meet Lilah.

I look wrecked.

She looks terrified, absolutely cowering from me.

Which makes me guilty.

Which makes me mad.

And now I’m sweating, itchy under my collar, and craving a hug from alphas who won’t have thought of me in hours.

Ripping into her, I look like a genuine crazy person.
