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Scorpio, Hikaru, Kieran, and Max, the four founders of Wyvern House never found their fated omega. They had me and my pack brothers through surrogates, and we all grew up chasing the dream of a single unified pack and an omega who’d give us blood-related heirs.

Science says male omegas could evolve to bear children, but that’s a dream a long way off.

Bottom line, Orion can’t give us kids, and the dads are deep in their leave-a-legacy phase, obsessed with the four of us passing on their genes and raising the third generation leaders of Wyvern House.

So they’ll say we need mentorship and guidance when what they really want is to shoehorn a female into Orion’s spot.

“You can’t be considering taking her in,” Jett grits out.

“Biting her into the pack? Never.” She’s a strange little doll, and no amount of parental pressure could make me betray Orion.

But our problem with the dads isn’t going away.

“She’s a Darling,” Hunter says, always seeing the heart of the issue.

The girl’s practically a throwaway, with no family to pay what she owes, and Hikaru the only legal guardian watching over her.

She’d be better off raised by wolves. They’re more maternal.

Wyverns eat their young.

Then again, she’s probably in on the dads’ scheme. I have zero sympathy for yet another female trying to claw her way into our family. Finn almost died the last time our team fell for batted lashes and a sob story.

As much as I’d rather choke the girl out than even let Orion know her name, the sickly possibility keeps churning through my brain. “If we take her, we can keep the pressure off while we deal with the Redfangs. If she goes into heat before then, we toss her into rotation.”

“She’d be in our home,” Jett hisses. “You want her there with Orion? They’ll claw each other to death.”

“She’s not awakened, and she’s not competition. Unless you all want to be off duty for the next six months to forever, we need to bring her in. We’ll stash her in the basement and ignore her while the dads leave us alone.”

“That’s shitty,” Hunter says, watching the girl with a dangerously soft look in his eye.

I won’t look at her. I refuse to. But I feel her moving at the edge of my vision like a feather brushing down my spine. “We’re saints compared to the packs she’ll end up with if all Hikaru cares about is earning back her debt.”

“I want to play with her.” Finn’s eyes glitter like pools at midnight, and for the first time, I have no idea if he’s in dark mode or running high. Maybe a little of both.


“Vote. Do we offer her a temporary place in the house?” I turn more harshly away from the stage, ignoring the way the hairs on my arms spike when I put my back to her.

“No,” Jett says immediately.

“Hell yes,” Finn says.

“Yes.” I hate myself, but I say it anyway. I can’t let Scorpio sideline us.

Hunter takes the longest to decide, staring at the girl on stage. I don’t know what he sees, but he finally shakes himself. “It’s a terrible fucking idea, but yeah. As long as it’s temporary. We can’t afford to be off the mission roster right now.”

This is a means to an end, I remind myself as I type out a text to the dads. No doubt all four are in on the scheme.

Atlas: We’re not biting her. She’s out if she causes trouble or Orion says so. We have the right to kick her at any time for any reason. She only stays on a trial basis.

Scorpio: I’m here. Hikaru and I will handle the offer personally. Do you want to meet her?

I glance at my pack.

Hunter and Finn are mesmerized by the girl on stage, both big men leaning over the balcony like they’re being lured.

Finn probably wants to fuck with her.
