Page 125 of Frozen Flames

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What a bitch.

Moving to the answering machine on the nightstand, she presses play. My voice pours out through the speaker. It’s the message I left Ash the night I moved into the apartment, begging for him to call me and apologizing. I’m crying and asking for his forgiveness, telling him I never wanted to move out.

I sound sad. It doesn’t resemble how I feel now.

A male voice shouts her name from outside of the room and that’s where the video cuts off. I know for a fact that wasn’t Ash’s voice. It sounds nothing like him.

I know it’s Wade.

Closing the video, I open the photo.

It’s of Britney, and she’s wearing Ash’s hockey jersey; the jersey he gave me, and she’s lying next to a bare-chested man whose face is blurred.

She’s clearly never seen Ash naked before because his chest is covered in tattoos. What a pathetic attempt at blackmail. “There is no place for little girls in the women’s playground, Britney,” I mutter under my breath.

On the day we caught her with Wade, she questioned why we weren’t living in the house, but she already knew. She’s been holding on to this for a while, waiting to strike.

Forwarding the email to Ash, I call him immediately.

Ash and I were right about Britney. She’s a goddamn looney tune.

He picks up on the third ring as I storm across the office. “Hey, baby.”

“Look at the email I’ve just sent you.” I hit the elevator call button and wave back at Janice, making a phone shape using my thumb and pinky finger to tell her I’ll call her later.

She frowns and mouths, Everything okay?

I shake my head, and she waves her hand, pointing at the elevator, telling me to go.

“What the fuck?” Ash roars down the phone. “That’s not me.”

I roll my eyes. “Of course, it’s not. It’s Wade. She’s clearly never seen you naked.” I lower my voice so none of my employees can hear.

“I may have just vomited in my mouth.”

Even in a crisis, he makes me laugh. “I’m about to go into the elevator. I’ll lose reception, but I’ll call you when I get into my car. Can you check the house security footage from the day we found her in the house?”

“On it.”

“Then call the police.” I shoot off my instructions.

“That too.”

“And Ash?” What is taking so long? I hit the call button on the wall again.


“Burn my dressing gown.” I’m so happy to be moving out of the house. She’s tainted it. “Oh, my God,” I exclaim as a thought drops into my head.

“What is it, Lily?” Ash rushes in with his question.

“Check the safe. It has a dvd of us… you know?” I can’t say having sex because I’m still within earshot of my staff.

“Fuck. I’ll check that first, but it has three codes you have to bypass to get into it. It’s impossible.”

He’s right. I’m overthinking everything.

I hear him running down the stairs of the house. “Just get here as fast as you can,” he pants.
