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Lulu asked.

‘Definitely,’ Sophie said, joining the throng of choristers as they shuffled out of the auditorium.

‘What fun that was,’ Greg said.

‘It really was,’ said Kate.

‘I’m so glad I got better enough in time to see the performance,’ Lulu said, linking arms with Greg.

‘I think you were well enough weeks ago,’ Albert said under his breath.

‘On to preparations for the next one?’ said Sophie.

Kate let out a groan, stopping the conversation dead. ‘I think I might be in labour,’ she said.

They all laughed, familiar with Kate’s sense of humour.

‘No, really.’ She rubbed her bump. ‘It’s been coming on since “Santa Baby”, ironically.’

‘Oh God, Kate. Let’s get you to the hospital,’ Sophie said, going into practical friend mode.

‘No, no, no.’ Kate shook her head. ‘Baby won’t come for at least twenty-four hours. Let’s get a festive drink first. To the pub.’ She pointed her finger over their heads in the general direction of the pub.

Everyone cheered despite the potential severity of the situation.

‘Are you sure?’ Sophie said, raising her eyebrows, uncertain. ‘I really think that perhaps we should go to the hospital. Maybe I could call Gav?’

‘Sophie, it’s not every day my girl faces her fears and smashes her performance. I want to take you for a quick drink. I won’t be free for a catch-up for another eighteen years after tonight, so you’d best make the most of it.’

Sophie smiled. ‘As long as you’re sure. I’ll text Gav to let him know. I just need to pop and grab my stuff. I’ll be over in a minute.’

She was mildly concerned about Kate, but she seemed to be in the capable hands of Greg and Lulu, who, despite enjoying a bit of drama, looked to be taking good care of her.

Sophie went back to the dressing room and gathered up her things. She caught herself in the mirror and smoothed down her dress again. Rifling through the make-up bag, she pulled out her mascara and added another layer, then brushed her hair. She was just checking out the back of her dress when she noticed the door opening slightly. It was followed by a knock.

‘Hello?’ Sophie said.

‘Hi, Soph.’ Liam opened the door further and loitered on the threshold of the dressing room. ‘Can I come in?’

Sophie suddenly couldn’t swallow, her mouth going instantly dry and her breath catching in her throat. She didn’t answer him but waved a hand, gesturing that he could come in and sit down. She turned away and stuffed her belongings into her bag. In the mirror, she watched him come into the room and stand awkwardly while she fussed with her clothes and make-up bag.

‘You came back,’ Sophie said. Her tone was a little cooler than she’d meant it to be.

‘You were amazing tonight,’ Liam said.

‘Thank you.’ She paused briefly and then continued to fuss with the things on the dressing table. She needed to be doing something to make this less awkward than it felt. She didn’t know why Liam was here, but she felt terrified that if she let her guard down, even for a second, she would get hurt.

‘Soph, please, can you stop?’ Liam said. He sounded fed up. ‘I’d really like to talk to you properly.’

Sophie stopped, jumper in hand. She sighed and sat down on the make-up chair, running a hand over her face and through her hair. ‘What made you come back?’

‘I couldn’t bear thinking about you doing the solo by yourself. I knew how nervous you’d be feeling, and I wanted you to feel as confident as possible. You deserved it to go really well. I wanted that for you.’

‘Well,’ Sophie said, softening. ‘Thank you. You’re right. You being there did help me.’

‘I also wanted to apologise.’

‘Oh?’ She wasn’t expecting that. She waited silently for him to continue.

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