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He tutted, sucking his cheeks in. Without responding, he began to pace.

‘The doctor said she’ll only be a few minutes. She didn’t need stitches, but they have glued it together to make sure it heals well without too much of a scar.’

Liam huffed at the mention of a scar, shaking his head.

When he didn’t say anything, Sophie said, ‘I’m sorry.’ Her voice was smaller than she’d hoped.

Sophie hated the metres between them. She thought about going to him; she wanted to comfort him, but could see the anger in his eyes. She’d blown it this time.

‘Daddy!’ Cassie ran out of the doctor’s room, half joyful, half tears of relief at seeing her father after the ordeal.

The doctor followed her out, pushing a biro into the top pocket of her white coat. She tucked a wisp of greying hair behind her ear. ‘She’s going to be fine, Miss Lawson. Luckily, the cut is in a good place to heal nicely.’

‘I’m her father.’ Liam held Cassie in his arms, stroking her hair down her back. ‘Let me look at you.’ He held her head in his hands. He had a physical reaction to seeing his daughter in pain, wincing when he saw her wound.

‘Sorry, Mr …’

‘Mr Hawthorn.’

‘Well, Mr Hawthorn. I’m sure Miss Lawson has filled you in.’

Liam glanced over at her, his look cold.

‘But do you want me to talk through things with you briefly before you take Cassie home?’

Liam nodded and followed the doctor back into her office. ‘Come here, Cassie,’ he added, so that she had to follow her father into the room.

Sophie flopped down onto a plastic chair in the waiting room, utterly exhausted. This was awful. After everything she’d overcome – they’d overcome – to have got together, now she’d gone and ruined it. Liam would never forgive her for this. The pain and loss she’d feared had happened, except this time it was entirely her fault.

She picked at the corner of a nail, chipping her nail varnish off at the same time.

She stood when the door of the doctor’s office opened.

‘We’re going home.’ Liam’s voice was low as he passed her, dragging Cassie behind him.

Sophie followed him a few steps. ‘Liam.’

He turned suddenly. ‘Don’t! Just don’t!’ She could see tears in his eyes, and his body shook as he stood there. Then, his voice even and low: ‘I can’t believe you made us come here.’

Then he turned sharply and strode out of the building.

Sophie heard the doctor clear her throat and then retreat back into her office. In Liam’s absence, the waiting room grew silent. Sophie took a deep breath and sat down on the chair again. She hadn’t thought about it, not really. Bringing Cassie here, bringing Liam back to the hospital. It probably wasn’t just an A&E to them. It was a place haunted with memories and she’d brought them all back.

‘What the hell were you thinking, Cassie?’ Liam instantly regretted his curse as he watched Cassie cry harder out of the corner of his eye. She didn’t answer, her whole body convulsing with sobs.

They drove the rest of the way back to the farm in silence. Liam’s thoughts switched between rage at Cassie’s behaviour, anger at the way the school had dealt with it, and frustration that whatever he’d started with Sophie was ruined. Cassie was snivelling and crying quietly the whole time. For a second, he thought he might shed some tears of his own, but he was too angry.

When they pulled into the courtyard, Cassie undid her seatbelt and allowed her father to help her out of the car. In silence, Liam opened the door and Cassie followed him in, both removing their shoes. It was like the fight had gone from them both, but Liam couldn’t let it go. If they went to bed without resolving things, he wouldn’t sleep and they would probably never talk about it.

‘What happened today?’ Liam said. He attempted to sound less angry, but was only marginally successful.

‘Nothing,’ Cassie said, making her way towards the stairs.

‘Don’t walk away from me, Cassie. What happened? I thought things were getting better at school.’

At his tone, Cassie turned and stood awkwardly in the hallway.

‘What happened?’ he asked again.

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