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Dear Soph,

Congratulations on a fantastic audition today. If I could have given you all a song, I would have done, but after much thought and a tough decision, I’ve decided to award the solo to Lulu.

Thank you for taking the time to audition for me. You were great.


Liam Hawthorn

Well, there goes my dream, thought Sophie.

Chapter Eleven

Sophie supported Kate as she lowered herself into the comfy chair by the window at the front of the coffee shop. In Kate’s own words, she was the size of a whale and moving in general wasn’t particularly easy or attractive. Once she knew Kate was comfortable, Sophie dropped her bags by the table and went to stand in line.

‘Hi, Greg,’ Sophie said as she neared the counter.

‘Afternoon, love. What can I get you?’ Greg slid his glasses up his nose and pushed his baggy sleeves up over his bony elbows.

‘I think you mentioned something about a hazelnut mocha last week.’

‘Ah yes, just a minute.’ Greg turned to make the drinks and Sophie watched as a little girl of no more than two toddled around the sofas, wobbly on her legs. Her mother was busy talking to a fellow mother friend amidst the chaos of a very busy Friday afternoon in the coffee shop.

‘Oops,’ Sophie said as the little girl fell to her bottom. She looked up at Sophie, dazed, and held out a hand. Sophie took the girl’s tiny, perfect hand in her own and pulled her up. ‘There you go,’ she said, as the little girl found her balance and toddled off again.

The mother looked around and called her daughter over to her, a tight smile on her face. Sophie opened her mouth to explain, but the mother was already cooing over her little one and adjusting the butterfly clip in her hair, while she texted using her free hand.

Sophie swallowed and bit her lip, turning at Greg’s voice.

‘Here you go, Sophie love.’ He slid the two mugs over, both piled high with squirty cream and marshmallows. If she’d been paying more attention, she might have asked him to hold the cream. As it was, she’d had a trying week. Maybe cream and marshmallows were exactly what she needed.

‘Better have a couple of those mince pies, too,’ Sophie said on reflection. She placed everything on a tray and pushed her way through the crowds to where Kate was waiting at their usual table.

‘So,’ Kate said, her voice thick with pastry from the mince pie she’d just taken a huge bite of. ‘Been on any dates recently?’

Sophie shook her head and then sipped her mocha. ‘Nope. I’m still recovering from Balloongate. And look where that’s got me. I don’t think I could cope with any more complications or date-based coincidences in my life at the moment.’

Kate smirked. ‘It will make a good anecdote, though.’ She took a sip of her own drink. ‘You know, when all the embarrassment isn’t raw any more and you can talk about it without wincing.’

Sophie laughed. ‘I’m not sure I’ll ever get over the humiliation. Everywhere I go Liam pops up as if from nowhere. He could be here, right now, watching me!’

Kate snorted into her mocha, causing some to splash over the edge onto her skirt. She looked down at the stain and back up at Sophie.

‘I suppose I’d better get used to being covered in stuff – it’ll be all sick and poo next month!’

‘Lovely.’ Sophie pulled a face. She curled up on the chair as if she was in her own living room. The easy-listening Christmas songs that underscored the bustle of the coffee shop made her feel at home.

‘He’s not a stalker,’ Kate said, returning to their previous conversation as she dabbed mocha from her clothes.

‘I know,’ Sophie said, as if Kate’s comment was serious. ‘It’s just made me a bit wary of dating for now.’

‘You can’t stop dating for ever,’ Kate said. ‘You’ll never find a boyfriend!’

‘You sound like my mother,’ Sophie said, her eyes flicking to the ceiling.

‘I’m practising,’ she said with a playful wink and a hand on her enormous belly.

‘I guess I’m not that interested at the moment.’ Sophie wrapped both hands around her drink and brought it close to her face for warmth.

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