Page 23 of Twisted Union

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“He threatened tohityou?” I’d never heard Emilia sound so angry.

“Yeah, he did. At least you’re on my side. You get it.”

“I do. I never liked Franco being there, but there’s nothing we can do to make him leave. He has too much power, taking over Dad’s old position.”

“You can’t convince your scary husband to get rid of Franco?”

Emilia sighed. “Marco made a deal with our dad, which transitioned to a deal with Franco after Dad died. Marco can’t risk ruining that. But—and this is just between you and me—he did tell Franco to back off. If Franco isn’t, I’ll ask Marco to give you guys a visit and remind Franco of that.”

“Back off how? What’s Franco done? Other than be an utter asshole.”

Emilia was silent on the other line.


“I promised I wouldn’t say anything.”

“Promised who?” I rolled onto my side, staring at my poster covered wall.

“Just know that Mom isn’t on Franco’s side, ok?”

“It sure seems that way. You’re the only one who cares.”

“I’m not, Gem. Trust me. Mom cares, too. She’s doing what she can to protect you. Trust me.”

I huffed. “Well, it doesn’t feel like it.”

“Just stay young and innocent forever, Gem.”

I frowned, sitting up and clutching my blanket to my chest. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Keep me updated on what happens. I’ll make sure you’re ok. Marco and I will.”

* * *

Emilia couldn’t keepher promise since I’m a prisoner in Viktor’s home now.

Thinking back to that conversation, I wonder what Emilia meant when she said Mom was protecting me in her own way. I still don’t quite understand. Mom doesn’t share much with me. She reserves her inner thoughts for Emilia, which is something else I’ve always been jealous of. I always felt in the dark. Even now, I still have no idea the secrets Mom shared with Emilia.

And I’ll probably never know since Viktor might kill me. Scratch that. Hewillkill me. Viktor is a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode, and I’m going to be caught up in it.

I remain in the bathroom the rest of the night since it’s the only door I can lock from Viktor. It takes a while for my breathing to slow enough for me to fall asleep.

My face is pressed into something cold when I wake up. The tile of the bathroom. I check the door—still locked and no sign of Viktor or his crazy games. I struggle to take off my dress with my hurt ankle, but finally, I manage to get undressed. I hop into the shower. The warm water instantly relaxes me. I’ve been here two days, and I’m no closer to escaping. I could try jumping out the window again, but I’d probably just end up breaking my ankle for real. As of now, it’s still sprained but getting better.

When I’m finished, I push the shower curtain out of the way and scream.

Viktor is leaning against the counter, smirking.

I grab the nearest towel and wrap it around myself. “How did you get in here?”

“No lock can keep me out. It’s my home, Gemma.”

Dammit. So much for that comfort. “What do you want?”

“I wanted to ask if I could join you, but then I thought better of it.”

“Why?” I step gingerly out of the tub and push past him to grab my dress. “You don’t seem like the type of man who cares about boundaries.”

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