Page 28 of Ink Me Bunny

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“What do you want,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Find me a solution,” he darts his eyes from me to his men and back to me. “Or my men can beat your beautiful face. It’ll be a shame.”

I see red.

Not going to happen.

I am not paying for her life choices anymore.

He smirks maliciously, “Tessa, I will hurt your boy,” he shouts again, “Is that what you want?”

He tries to stir emotion inside a person with no heart. She doesn’t give a fuck about me. Never did. Why start now?

His madman laugh makes me gulp. I need to fuck out of here immediately.

His face turns sinister. “Nowhere to go, kid.” He snatches the gun, and his men charge at me, holding me firmly in place.

Yet I don’t resist.

I can’t show weakness.

He points the gun to my head and my brain goes silent again.

The pile of saliva gathers in my mouth and I gulp it fast. Unfortunately, this is not the first time a gun has been aimed at my head.

I hope she will rot in the pits of hell.

Focus Dean!

I never felt helpless in dimensions I can’t contain until now and I live this nightmare every day.

The range between us is nonexistent. One bullet and I’m game over. Now I wish I stayed at the arcade with my friends.

The air is suffocating.

The small radius doesn’t allow me the space to run or breathe properly.

The smell of alcohol and smoke sticks to every corner and stays there for days.

Get a grip, Dean. I command myself as I’m browsing through my brain.

I did some gardening work to save money for food, but, I don’t have a choice. I will never forgive her for that.

“I have some money I saved.” I surrender while they still grip both of my hands tightly.

He gestures with his chin for them, taking a step back, “It’s a start. Show me.”

I fish the cash from my rear pocket and place it in front of him, he leans in to grab it.

“Two hundred,” his mouth twitches to the side, “Not enough I’m afraid.” He tsks, pressing the gun farther into my skull.

I pick through my brain and the only thing valuable that I have is my biological father’s old Mustang in the garage which is the only thing I managed to keep away from everyone. I take the keys with me everywhere.

For some reason, he left it for me.

My entire will to live is abandoning my body as I say those words, “I have an old Mustang in the garage.” Even Tessa doesn’t know anything about it.

“Ah! That’s what I’m talking about kid,” he claps his hands and rubs them together as if winning the lottery while the gun sways in front of my face, “Pleasure doing business with you,” he winks, “Till next time.”

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