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It’s ridiculous. I see him every day.

“Are you going to stay up much longer?” Finley asks.

“A little bit longer. I’ll lock up before I go inside.”

“Okay. Goodnight.” She gives me a side hug and then goes back into the house.

I stare out into the night, contemplating the winking stars overhead. I want to walk over to Luke’s.

The problem is, I don’t have any real professional reason to go see him. I just want to be around him without all the distractions and other people, especially Laila, who is really so sweet I can’t even truly hate her despite all my best intentions.

I squeeze the railing once before turning around to head inside.


I’m so obsessed, I’m hearing his voice now.

“Mindy, wait.”

Hold on. It is Luke’s voice. I spin around.

Luke jogs up the porch steps, coming to a halt within touching distance. “Hey. I’m glad you’re still awake.”

I drink him in, dressed in dark sweatpants and a zip-up hoodie. The faint moonlight exposes a hazy outline of his features.

Keep your eyes up.“Is everything okay?” I ask.

“It’s great. I wanted to see if we could chat for a minute. I feel like we haven’t had a chance to talk in ages.”

Damn if he isn’t reading my mind. “Yeah. Of course.”

The high-pitched blare of a cellphone ringing cuts through the night.

“Oh, sorry.” I tug the offending object from my pocket. I frown at the name glowing on the screen. “It’s Carson,” I murmur, and then explain to Luke, “He’s renting my apartment. Sorry, I need to take this.”

Hopefully he’s not dealing with a burst pipe or something.

Luke nods, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Hey, Carson,” I answer.

“Mindy, hey, sorry to be calling so late.”

“Is everything all right with the apartment?”

“Oh, yeah, no, that’s all fine. I thought you should be aware of a, um, visitor who was just here and looking for you.”

Confusion puckers my lips. “Who?”

“Blake Bonham.”

My eyes fly up to Luke’s. He’s watching me, concern dipping his brows.

I shake my head in disbelief. “What was Blake doing there? What did he say?”

Luke’s eyes widen.

Carson sighs. “Well, first off, he was completely hammered.”

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