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But it can’t be. That’s ridiculous. Even if it was, it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to ask, because itcan’tmean anything. He’s my client. My one and only client. I’ve gone through this before. Work has to be my sole focus. I can’t sleep with another musician, let alone one I’m working with.

A little harmless fantasizing never hurt anyone, right?

How can I not fantasize? Especially when he’s sitting next to me, his thigh inches from mine, his fingers strong and sure on the strings of his guitar, his voice a low rumble that tugs at something deep in my stomach.

I can’t believe I didn’t notice his potential the first time we met.

Of course, at the time I was intensely focused on Blake since it was right around the time we started ouraffair.

That whole period of time is a blur now. I was stuck in that moment between dreams and wakefulness when everything is a little soft and warm, and I was wrapped up in all things Blake. I had more energy. Food tasted better. I was falling in love.

It's exactly what Luke’s song is about.

It’s exactly why I need to ignore the temptation Luke presents just by existing.

I pick up the notebook, reading again through the lines he’s piecing together.

The alternating verses might be better with a soprano to contrast his baritone.

“Could this one be a duet, do you think? Since you’re considering the contrast to the lyrics.”

His fingers pause on the strings, his gaze lifts to mine, brows shooting up to his hairline. “You want to take a stab at it?”

“Yeah, sure.”

He strums his guitar and sings the first couple lines and then gestures to me and I sing the next.

His mouth pops open and then he grins. “You have an amazing voice.”

Flustered, I drop the notebook onto the coffee table. “I can carry a tune. I was in a band, in college.”

His head cocks. “Why didn’t you pursue a career as a singer?”

I cross my legs, leaning toward him. “I prefer working behind the scenes, finding talent, bringing an album to life, and then basking in the afterglow of how music touches so many people’s lives.”

His eyes search mine. “Is that what made you get into music?”

I shrug. “Yeah. Mostly. Music is such a unifying force. It’s embedded in our cultures, in our very DNA.”

His entire face brightens. “That’s so true. Rhythm is part of our everyday life, the thump of our hearts, the measure of our breaths, it’s all music.” He considers me, his bright eyes scanning my face before adding, “It can also be a safe way to deal with feelings because there’s like a gap, a filter between you and the emotion. Like reading someone else’s story.”

I lean toward him, the words resonating inside me, luring me closer. “That’s it, exactly. There’s nothing more magical than a building full of people all experiencing the same connection and understanding.”

He adjusts the guitar in his lap, shifting it out of the way so the body isn’t pressing against my knee. “You always knew you wanted to be in the music industry?”

“For the most part. I double majored in music management and business administration.”

His brows lift. “Ambitious.”

I smirk. “Well, it’s not med school.”

He grins back at me and neither of us speaks for a few long, lingering seconds.

My stomach trembles, my skin tightens.

His thigh presses against mine. When did we move so close?

His gaze drops to my mouth.

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