Page 55 of Grim's Hell

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Fate can be so cruel sometimes. I found who I thought was the love of my life only to discover he’s a monster. Then I met Grim, and now circumstances beyond my control might rip him from me before we even have a real chance to get to know each other.

I pace the floor over and over. Tilting my face up to the ceiling, I cry out, “Why… Why are you doing this to me?”

Instead of a response, the door slides open revealing Cece, Apple, and Heather. I met Heather, Frenzy’s ‘ol lady, a couple of days ago when she came to introduce herself. Cece is leading the pack and waltzes right up to me.

“Married, huh?” she asks with a smirk.

There’s no use denying it since Grim announced it to everyone in the common room.


“You know this isn’t exactly what I meant when I said to talk to him.” Cece’s eyes sparkle with mischief.

I duck my head. “I know. I should’ve never le—”

Heather lifts my chin. “Hey, none of that. I’ve known Grim a long time. Hell, all of them really. Let me explain something to you… No one can tell these men to do something they don’t already have their minds set to do.”

“Violet, Cece and I came into the club in less than conventional ways,” Apple explains. “Mark’s my best friend, and that’s how I met Malice.”

“I was friends with Jez before Soul weaseled his way into my heart,” Cece says lovingly.

“But you all knew them for a while before you agreed to marry them,” I counter.

“True, I won’t lie. The men we love are hard men. We’ve all had demons we’ve fought and won,” Cece says cryptically. “But they are good men. And Grim? He’s got a heart of gold and is one of the best men I know.”

“Grim is one of a kind,” Heather agrees. “I knew when he fell, he’d fall hard. He just needed the right woman to knock him on his ass.”

Grimisone of a kind. What they don’t know is, he didn’t fall, and neither did I. We took a leap without thinking about the consequences. I pray he can make the rest of the club see that he was only trying to help me and that I don’t want to bring danger to the club. I’m thankful that he made such a huge sacrifice to save me once again, but I won’t jeopardize his happiness.

As if Apple senses where my mind has wandered, she leans close and whispers, “We all have a story, Violet.” She squeezes my hand in solidarity and speaks a little louder. “Grim wouldn’t have married you if he didn’t want to.”

“No one makes these men do what they don’t want to do,” Heather agrees. “Stubborn asses, all of them. But I wouldn’t trade them for anything in this world.”

“Soul was so angry,” I say, rehashing his reaction in my mind.

“Soul’s always angry. He’s the president, and it’s his job to make sure everyone is safe. “They were caught off guard. They’ll get over it.” Cece winks. “You’ll see… Everything will work out.”

I sit on the bed while Heather bustles around the room, gathering chairs. “It’s gossip time, bitches,” she announces as she places the last chair next to the bed.

For the first time in a long time, I have hope.



Pacingthe length of the sanctuary, I inconspicuously watch as my brothers argue about me. Sure, I can’t hear a fucking word they’re saying, but with all the red faces, waving hands, and the fact that they haven’t made a single effort to include me in the conversation… Doesn’t take hearing to figure out I’m the hot topic.

Me and Violet.

As I turn on my heel and face the room, I notice the arguing has ceased, and they’re all staring at me.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” Soul demands, his movement jerky.

“I was thinking that Violet was sent to us for help, and I’m helping her.”

“Marriage, Grim?” Malice questions. “Are you insane?”

“Ask me that in front of Apple,” I taunt.
