Page 59 of Viking

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“When your mission is complete, you can both transition to Valhalla. Makayla will become a Valkyrie, and you’ll return to the work the VRMC does.”

“Wait a damn minute,” Makayla snaps. “Who says I want to go to Valhalla? You can’t make that decision for me. And what mission?” She locks her eyes on mine. “What is she talking about, Leif.”

“You told her your real name?” Inferno asks incredulously.

“Damn, bro, that’s serious,” Reaper adds.

“How did I not know that was your name?” Demo asks.

“One person at a motherfucking time,” I bark. “Yes, I told her my real name. Yes, it’s serious. And I don’t know, Demo. You’ve never asked, and it’s not like we sit around and talk about this shit.” I turn to Makayla. “My mission was you,isyou. Odin sent me here with the assignment of making sure you got your research about Valhalla correct.”

“Oh my God,” she seethes.

“Odin,” Kára says.


“You said, ‘Oh my God’, and I think you meant ‘Oh my Odin’. Really, Makayla, you’re going to have to learn these things if you’re going to live in Valhalla. Odin is—”

I silence Kára with a look of warning.

“Was anything you’ve said to me true?” Makayla asks as if she wasn’t interrupted. “Or is this all one big setup, one giant joke?” She narrows her eyes. “Have you been leaving those damn notes?”

“What? No, of course not.” I close the distance between us fully expecting her to back away, but she doesn’t. She might be angry, but she can’t ignore the pull between our souls, the visceral need to be together. “Makayla, I have been honest with you.” She snorts derisively. “Okay, I’ve been honest with you since the night we slept together and I to—”

“You fucked her?” Acid gripes.

I reach under the table and yank my ax off the magnet I placed there when we first arrived. Launching it at Acid’s head, a sick satisfaction rolls through me when his skull splits in two, and his chair tips backward. He lands with his feet in the air.

“Holy shit!” Makayla cries. “You killed him. Why would you ki—”

Her mouth slams shut when Acid’s feet start moving. Seconds later, he backflips off his overturned seat and stands. His head is fully intact as if nothing happened.

“You will show respect when speaking to or about my woman,” I snarl. “If it happens again, you won’t have a chance to regenerate because you’ll be in the Fire Pit.”

“I… what…” Makayla shakes her head, and I notice her face has drained of all color. “How did you do that?”

I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest. She doesn’t fight me.

“We’re dead, my love,” I whisper in her ear. “If we get hurt, we heal. If a body part is severed, it regenerates.”

“And it fucking hurts to regenerate,” Acid complains, rubbing his head.

“Let that be a lesson to you,” I bite out, glaring at him over her head. “Don’t test me where she’s concerned.”

“I don’t understand any of this,” she mumbles. “It’s all too much.”

I ease her back and smile. “Do you love me?”

“What? How can you ask me that, Viking? We barely know each other, and you’re talking about love?”

“You’re my wife. How could I not love you?”

“I’m not your wife, Viking. Mea was your wife. I’m not Mea.”

“But your soul and Mea’s soul are one and the same,” Kára says, rising from the chair and coming to stand next to Makayla. “You felt a connection to Viking the moment you saw him, did you not?”

“Yes, but—”
