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I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Elodie turns her attention to them and I take my chance. It’s the only one I may get. I wrap one arm around her neck, pinning her arms to her back with the other so she can’t use them.

“Moro! Can we bring her back or…” I shout. The words are poison leaving my lips and my chest is heavy as I set my hands, ready to snap her neck.

“You have to do it!” Moro yells, terror flashing in his gaze.

I shut my eyes before I twist my hands.

I try not to think about it as the cracks from her neck shudder up my forearms and a gasp escapes her sweet lips.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper as her body slumps in my arms. I sink to the ground with her. A plume of frozen crystals rises around us and my hands tremble. The sobs start to shake my chest as her limp head remains still. “I’m so sorry, Elodie. I—I didn’t want to do it.”

I don’t want to give rest—death—to anything ever again.

I hate being the god of such a horrible thing, and I just killed the one person that I loved more than anything.

Rune’s eyes fill with horror and despair. Just like that, I’ve become Arulius.

The guilt, pain, and endless suffering that I will endure for this… I understand why he never wanted to risk being forced to kill her again. I don’t think I willeverbe the same.

I set her body on the ground softly and we all stand above her. Snow begins to fall softly over our shoulders, sharpening death's grasp.

Her shoulders shake as a laugh erupts from deep within her twisted throat.

A part of me is writhing in fear, but a much larger part is relieved that she’s still alive.

“Moro…” Wren mumbles and the Hollow Keeper just shakes his head with terror.

“It’s not possible.” Moro backs away, Wren following suit. Rune remains on his knees at her side like a shell of himself.

“Borvon, that was a really dirty trick,” Elodie mumbles as she stands, her legs trembling. A grotesque bump juts from the side of her neck where I broke it. “Luckily for you, I have a dirtier one,” she coos and wraps her wings around her body briefly before reopening them, revealing her healed body and extended horns that pierce angrily into the sky.

She crosses her arms over her chest and casts out a dark, riveting aura. Blades of hardened blood chase after me. I barely manage to bring up my wing to guard myself before it’s blown clean off and agony rips down my back.

Elodie crashes into me feet-first and her hot, bladed hand meets my throat. I stare into her hollow black eyes as we fall to the ground together. A tear forms in the corner of her eye but a horribly evil smile carves her beautiful face.

“Goodbye, Borvon. Take my place on the resting side of Tomorrow, will ya?” She laughs into my face and then—

The world is spinning.

What… just happened?

Blood is twirling in the air with me, a parade of dark drops of death spinning and dancing until I hit the snow. My eyes widen and become blurry as I see Elodie perched on my headless body.

Everything is slow, seconds drawn into minutes. The snow falls slowly, as if time itself has halted.

Am I… No, I'm still conscious. I don’t know for how long, but there’s nothing left.

We’ve lost.

War and ruin will reign across the realms and I’ll rest forever.

Forever without my love.


Huh? Who is that…

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